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"Ms. (Y/n)?"

You heard a faint knock outside your door. Walking up to the door while tying your hair, you opened the door to see Darcy with her frail arms raised and letters in her hands. "Your owl, Frigga, just arrived with these letters."

"I see." You gladly took the letter and scanned them. "Thank you, Darcy."

Darcy nodded and walked away while you closed the door. You went to your desk and sat in your chair, opening one of the letters you received. You opened a letter from Hermione.

Dear (Y/n),

⠀⠀⠀⠀Happy birthday! I wish I could be there right now but sadly we're on a sudden trip. Don't worry, we'll see each other in a few days. Have you heard from Harry? He hasn't written all of us any letters whenever we sent one to him.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Anyway, happy birthday again! I'm so glad to have a best friend like you. You always have my back and I promise I'll always be there whenever you need me.

Lots of love,

You smiled and hugged the letter. "Thank you, Mione." You placed her letter down while taking the other one that was from Ron.

Hello (Y/n),

⠀⠀⠀It's been a while! Happy birthday! I hope you're having a great day. I wish you all the best and healthy life.

⠀⠀⠀Formal too much? Mum was looking at my letter and told me I should write like this. Anyway, see you soon!


You chuckled. "Thanks, Ron."

"Pumpkin!" You heard your dad called out. You glanced at your door before placing down Ron's letter together with Hermione's and Peter's letters and walked downstairs to see your dad on the front door. "Come on. Let's go."

"Go where?" You asked as you walked towards him.

"Outside." Your dad smiled. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you head out on the house and walked around the garden.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" He asked as he looked at the day.

"Very." You breathed, closing your eyes as you feel the fresh air.

Then you and your father both sat on a bench surrounded by red roses. Your father took a deep breath and looked at you, giving you a smile as you looked at him. "Today's your birthday and soon, it's Megan's first day at Hogwarts, right?"

You nodded wordlessly.

"I want to tell you that, soon, I might not be around anymore." He looked at the sky, gazing at it and still smiling. A frown was formed on your face, worried why he would say such things. "Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way."

You kept quiet and listened to your father as he talks. "That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And, for better or worse, that's the reality you and Megan are going to have to find a way to grow up in." He continued.

You nodded along, sighing, looking down at your knees. He looked at you and smiled sadly. He took your hand and held it tight. "I'm saying this to you just in case of an untimely death. On my part. I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely."

You could feel a lump on your throat as you tried to hold back your tears. You bit your lip and closed your eyes.

"Part of the journey is the end." He sighed. "Rainbow, don't feel blue. Come on, look at me."

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