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You, Harry, Hermione, and Ron entered the Ministry of Magic with your disguises on. Earlier, the four of you took down four employees of the Ministry to take their identities temporarily.

"Remember what we said." You heard Hermione's words replaying in your mind.

"Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal. Do what everybody else is doing."

You glanced at your friends when the four of you entered the elevator. The doors were about to close, but an employee stopped the doors from closing and looked directly at Ron. "Cattermole." Corban Yaxley said. "It's still raining inside my office. That's two days now."

"If we do that, then with a bit of luck, we'll get inside."

Ron glanced at you, Harry, and Hermione. "Have you tried an umbrella?"

"You do realize I'm going downstairs, don't you, Cattermole?"

Ron narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Downstairs?"

"To interrogate your wife." The man answered. "Now, if my wife's blood status were in doubt and the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job of doing, I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour."

Yaxley walked away, allowing the elevator's doors to close. Ron pressed a button, and the four of you held on the handles as it started moving. You pressed your lips together, thinking. "He somehow reminds me of Lucius Malfoy, that man." You commented. "It would be worse if Lucius Malfoy had a kid and be like him."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared looks until Ron gasped. "Oh, my God. What am I gonna do?" Ron asked, completely panicking and worrying. "My wife's all alone downstairs."

You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Ron, you don't have a wife."

Ron blinked twice, processing what just happened. "Oh, right."

"Level 2." The voice on the elevator spoke up. "Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Improper Use of Magic Department."

"But how do I stop it raining?" Ron asked before getting off the elevator.

"Try Finite Incantatem." Hermione suggested before the elevator closed its doors. The elevator started moving again. "Level 1." The automated voice spoke. "Minister of Magic and support staff.

"I say if don't locate Umbridge within the hour, we go find Ron and come back another day," Harry instructed. "Deal?"

"Yes." You and Hermione nodded.

The elevator's doors opened, revealing Dolores Umbridge. "Ah, Mafalda and Hargreaves. Travers sent you two, did he? Good, we'll go straight down."

Umbridge entered the elevator and glanced at Harry in confusion. "Albert, aren't you getting out?"

Harry hesitated, but he got out of the elevator, not daring to look at Umbridge. Harry glanced at you and Hermione before the elevator started moving down. You softly gulped as you glanced at Hermione in nervousness. The woman in pink clothes in front of you was too much stress for you to handle since she's the same person who tortured you with the Cruciatus Curse back in your fifth year.


You winced at the memory until you remembered faint voices from the same memory.

"Can you stand? Or walk?"

"How did you know that we're in her office?"

"Pansy informed me, and I came as quick as possible. Go on and help Potter. I'll stay to make some excuses and stall them."

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