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"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Ron asked Harry. The two were heading upstairs as they passed by some students.

Harry shook his head. "She should be out of the hospital in a few days... when she stops coughing up fur balls."

"How about (Y/n)?"

Harry paused for a moment and thought for a while. "Now that you mentioned her. No. I haven't even seen her. I'm kind of worried."

Ron nodded. "Yeah. Oh, hey Harry?" Harry looked at Ron with a questioning look. "Do you think that Malfoy actually likes (Y/n)?" Ron asked.

"Looks like it." Harry shrugged and continued to walk. "I can see them talking and giving gifts for one another."

"But does (Y/n) likes him back?"

Harry was about to answer the question until he noticed a flooded stair. "What's this?" Harry and Ron quickly ran and stopped when I saw the flood was coming from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "Yuck!" Ron exclaimed.

"Look's like Moaning Myrtle has flooded the bathroom." Harry ran towards the bathroom with Ron and saw Myrtle by the window, sobbing.

Myrtle looked down at them and glared. "Come to throw something else at me?" She asked.

"Why would I throw something at you?" Harry asked her.

"Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."

"But, it can't hurt if someone throws something at you," Ron replied. "I mean, it would just go right through you."

Moaning Myrtle swooped down towards Ron and faced him. "Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it! Ten points if you get it through her stomach!"

She punched Ron in the stomach but her hand just went through.

"Fifty points if it goes through her head!" She punched Ron once again in the head but her hand just went through as well.

"But who threw something at you anyway?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." She turned to Harry and shrugged. "I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death." She sighed. "And it fell right through the top of my head." She started sobbing again and flew away.

Harry's eyes landed on a black notebook that Myrtle was talking about. He picked it up from the flooded floor and examined it. Harry and Ron headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room as Ron fell asleep while Harry stayed awake. He brought out the book and realized it was a diary.

He flipped through the pages of the book. There was nothing written in there. Harry turned to the book around and saw a name. "Tom Marvolo Riddle." Harry read. 'It's probably the owner.'

Harry decided to write on something but when the ink droplet hit the paper, he noticed that it disappeared. His eyes went wide and looked at the pages. It was not marked by the ink. So, Harry started writing. "My name is Harry Potter."

The words disappear and then other words appear in the diary. "Hello, Harry Potter, my name is Tom Riddle." Then it disappeared again.

Harry gasped before dipping his quill once again on the ink and he wrote words down again. "Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Words appeared again as my words disappeared. "Yes..."

"Can you tell me?"


Harry sighed in frustration and placed his quill down until he sees the next words. "But I can show you... Let me take you back 50 years ago... 13th June."

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