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"Grant!" Edward greeted Steve with a side hug. You and your sister spotted a dog with Steve causing the two of you to rush down the stairs. "Puppy!" Megan screamed.

Steve looked down at the dog and chuckled as you and Megan went over to the dog to pet him. "Ah, yes. I see you meet my present to you, (Y/n)."

Your eyes widened while Megan loudly gasped. "This is (Y/n)'s dog?"

"Yeah since she just recently celebrated her birthday so..."

You smiled as you rubbed the dog's head. "Uncle Steve, my birthday is still coming."

"Well, an advance birthday gift it is then." Steve grinned. "Have you thought of a name for him?"

"Bucky." You answered as you cupped the puppy's face and kissed the top of his head. Megan noticed the dog's mechanical leg. "What happened to his left leg?" She asked.

"Ah, he got into an accident," Steve explained. "He's a tough one. Just a week after his accident, the Healers gave him a mechanical leg."

"Well, I think it looks cool on him." Megan smiled as she pulled out something from her pocket. She placed a red sticker on the mechanical leg. You chuckled. "What are you, five?"

"I like stickers so shut up." Megan stuck her tongue out while you playfully rolled your eyes. Vivian got out from the kitchen and spotted the dog. "Oh, great, a new animal to take care of." She chuckled."

"The kids are old enough to take care of him, Viv." Edward smiled.

Vivian nodded then looked at Steve. "How's Peggy? Have you propose to her?"

Steve chuckled and shook his head as he patted Bucky's head. "I'm afraid not, Vivian. We're kind of not in speaking terms for the moment."

"Why?" Megan asked as she stood up.

"Misunderstanding." Steve sighed. Then he looked at Edward. "Let's go?"

"Where?" You asked.

Edward smirked and placed his hand on your shoulder. "We are going to the Quidditch World Cup."

"Are you coming, mum?" Megan asked, grinning.

Vivian sighed and shook her head. "No, sweetie, I won't. Besides, no one would look after Bucky and Megan's pets."

"Cornelius Fudge invited us to sit on the minister's box himself," Steve said smiling. "Let's go."

Edward walked towards Vivian and smiled. "I'll see you soon."

Vivian smiled back and kissed her husband's cheek. "You better hurry then. Because I got a gift for you."


"Peggy, that's not what you thought it was," Steve said, frustrated as he followed Margaret Watson also known as your Aunt Peggy. They were walking towards you and you could hear their conversation.

"I don't think anything, Steve. Not one thing." Peggy said without looking at him still walking.

Steve sighed. "Well, what about you and Walter? How do I know you two haven't been... fonduing?"

You raised a brow at him in surprise while Peggy turned to him with her eyebrow raised too. Steve quickly closed his mouth shut.

Peggy rolled her eyes and turned her back at him. "You still don't know a bloody thing about women!"

Peggy stood in front of you and then kissed your cheek. She looked down at you and smiled sweetly. "Hello, darling. You look beautiful and grown-up."

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