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"Sit down, please," Dumbledore ordered causing the students to follow him. You sat beside Hermione and looked at Dumbledore. "Now the moment you all have been waiting for: the champion selection!"

Dumbledore dimmed the lights and approached the Goblet of Fire. The blue fire turned red, earning some gasps from the students. The fire spat out a paper with a name and Dumbeldore caught it. "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!"

Durmstrang students cheered for him as he stepped out. You saw Draco with his friends sitting by the Durmstrang students, clapping for Viktor Krum. 'He must be a fan.' You told yourself.

Another name spat out from the Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore caught it. "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

Beauxbatons girls cheered for her. Fleur smiled and walked in front, joining Viktor. You looked at Fleur as you clapped and slightly nodded. 'I'm not going to lie. She looks beautiful.'

Another name was revealed. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

You clapped and gave him a small smile. He smiled and stood up until he saw you and grinned. Seamus started whistling as Cedric joined Fleur and Viktor. "Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history."

Barty Crouch set something down on the front, covered with a blanket aa Dumbledore continued his speech. "Only one will hoise this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory..." He turned around and pointed at the covered object. "The Triwizard Cup!" The blanket flew off revealing the Triwizard Cup.

Snape was the first one to notice that something was wrong with the Goblet of Fire. Dumbledore saw him so he turned around to the Goblet and walked towards it. You and the other students looked at it and saw it spat another paper with a name. Harry stood up to see what was happening.

Dumbledore caught it and gasped. "Harry Potter." He whispered. He looked around to look for the Boy Who Lived. "Harry Potter?" He asked.

Harry gulped. 'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.' He thinks and slowly sat down.

"No. No. No." Hagrid shook his head.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Go on, Harry." You whispered, gently pushing him.

Hermione sighed in frustration. "Harry, for goodness sake!" She whispered and pushed Harry. Harry hesitantly walked towards in front. You saw Ron looking at Harry angrily causing you to sigh.

Harry noticed Dumbledore staring at him as he gave the parchment with his name on it. Harry hesitantly took the parchment and joined the other champions.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even 17 yet!"

You watched as Harry looked at the professors, nervously. You looked at Hermione who's sighing and looked down. Gazing back at Harry, your breath hitched and your lips pressed into a thin line in worry.


The next day, you were walking around by yourself, looking for your Ron and Hermione. You saw Peter talking to his friends. He saw you and started to worry. He excused himself from his friends and ran towards you. "(Y/n)."

"Peter." You greeted back with a small smile.

"About your father..." Peter sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I-I'm so sorry. It was never easy. I know. I experienced that with my own father and my Uncle Ben."

You sighed. "It's fine Peter." You looked behind him to see his friends. "I think your friends need you now."

Peter glanced at his friends. "No, they can wait."

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