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You found an empty compartment, so you decided to stay there with Draco. Draco sat beside the window while you sat beside him. You rested your head down on Draco's shoulder and felt yourself drifting off to sleep.

You were about to close your eyes when you heard the door open. You looked up to see Hermione, who had just entered your compartment. "Sorry for ruining the moment. I just couldn't find any more compartments that are available."

You sat up quickly and smiled. "Don't apologize. Come in!" You watched Hermione sitting at the opposite side of you and Draco. "Of course, you decided to go back to Hogwarts."

Hermione grinned. "I knew you would come back too and I am so glad!"

Draco scoffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah. And I'm here too. Yay."

Hermione glanced at Draco and smirked. "I'm happy that you're here too, Draco."

You looked outside of your compartment and noticed that Harry and Ron weren't there. "Where's Harry and Ron?"

"Harry is here on the train. Seamus found him with me, so he borrowed him to talk. Ron, however, had to stop by to the trolley witch to buy some sweets." Hermione rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I heard that Hogwarts rebuilt itself. Some helped. Were you there as well?" Draco asked.

Hermione nodded. "We were."

You adjusted your seat as you thought of more people you think have come back to study at Hogwarts again. "Is Ginny here?"




"Hm..." You thought of more. "Well, then, who are the people who won't be returning to Hogwarts."

Hermione pushed her bottom lip out as she thought. "I heard Dean isn't coming back, but he might have changed his mind." Hermione gasped when she remembered someone. "Oh! Stacey Doom isn't returning back to finish her studies at Hogwarts."

Draco smirked. "That's quite a relief."

You stifled a laugh. "Got any idea why?"

"I heard Parkinson talking about Doom couldn't handle to study at the school that could've been her deathbed." Hermione shrugged. "I can't really blame her, though. Most dangers we encountered have happened inside of Hogwarts."

"Stacey can be a daft sometimes but she's right." You nodded in agreement. "Not to mention that Voldemort had already entered the castle while we were in our first year, and he was just on Quirrell's head."

After a few more conversations, you and Hermione felt dozing off. You fell asleep on Draco's shoulder while Hermione slept with her head against the window. Since everybody seemed to have found their seats, nobody walked through the train's aisles anymore.

You and your best friend have fallen asleep, leaving Draco staring at the window. He lifted his sleeve, revealing the mark on his arm that he felt was a disgrace.

He was so absorbed in glaring at the Dark Mark that he didn't notice a tear escaping from his eye. His tear dropped on the Dark Mark, and he finally noticed that he was crying.

The Dark Mark. If anyone has the mark on your left forearm, it means you were one of the Death Eaters. The Dark Mark on Draco's skin had turned into a scar because Voldemort was finally dead. However, since it was a scar, the mark was still visible.

Draco blinked a few tears away and wiped them off his face as he sobbed softly, trying not to be loud since you were asleep on his shoulder.

What he didn't know is that you have woken up from his crying.

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