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"Look at you, playing with your cards." Hermione scolded as Ron looked up from his cards. "Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon."

There was an upcoming exam and you were studying with your friends, well, except for Ron. Ron placed his cards down and shrugged. "I'm ready. Ask me any question."

"Alright, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?"

Ron looked down. "I forgot."

"Oh!" You intervened as you leaned closer to Hermione. "And what, may I ask, do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam?"

"Copy off you both."

Hermione sent Ron a death glare. "No, you won't. Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given special quills bewitched with an Anti-Cheating Spell."

Ron gasped loudly. "That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us!" He looked down at his cards and groaned in frustration and annoyance. "Dumbledore again!"

You sighed and looked back to your book until you noticed someone struggling to walk inside the Great Hall. Some students started murmuring and giggling to the poor boy. It was Neville.

"Leg-Locker Curse?" Ron detected.

"Malfoy." Harry deducted.

You frowned at Harry. "Bold of you to assume that it was Malfoy right away."

Neville approached you four for help as Ron looked at his friend. "You have got to start standing up to people, Neville."

"How?" Neville asked. "I can barely stand at all!"

You stifled a laugh. "That's not what Ron meant, Neville. He means that you have to fight for yourself if people treat you poorly or bully you."

You heard someone standing up and saw Seamus taking his wand out. "I'll do the countercurse."

"No, that's all I need!" Neville exclaimed. "You to set my bloody kneecaps on fire!"

Seamus glared at Neville and slammed his wand down on the table, feeling insulted and offended. "I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom. Besides, if anyone cared to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back!"

Seamus turned away and didn't notice that he still have a bald spot just at the back of his head. You and Hermione contained your laughter with a smile while Harry gasped in surprise. "I found him!"

You and Hermione leaned closer to Harry and Ron as Ron read what Harry found. "Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945. For the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel!"

"I knew the name sound familiar. I read it on the train that day." Harry replied.

Hermione started packing her books and glanced at the boys and you. "Follow me!"

The four of you started collecting your things and followed Hermione as Neville looked at you and your friends in confusion. "Hey! Wait! Where are you going? What about the countercurse?"

Just as he finished his question, Neville fell down as he lost his balance causing some students to laugh. You stopped in your tracks and quickly went back for Neville. You crouched down just beside him and performed the countercurse. Neville softly gasped as his legs sprang apart. You helped him up and he got to his feet until he started trembling.

You held his arm and helped him sit just beside Dean. Neville smiled. "Thank you."

"Always welcome. Longbottom." You smiled in return before walking away to follow your friends. Neville stared at you in awe while Dean leaned towards him. "She's something, huh?"

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