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BEST FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE! Our first of school happened today and it's GREAT! Our bulletin board is Harry Potter themed, we had a sorting hat quiz like which house do you belong (I'm a Hufflepuff!), then the classroom rules has Harry Potter preferences on it. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

(The note above was made around July 2019 just saying)


You entered Dolores Umbridge's office to find the room being in disturbing for you. Everything was pink. Walls were painted pink, table cloths and even teacups were colored pink, and there were cat pictures everywhere. You didn't hate cats and you don't want to hate them just because of the woman who was sitting on her chair with a teacup in hand.

Umbridge was pouring down pink-colored sugar in her pink tea which made you want to vomit. You closed the door behind you as she smiled. "Ah, Ms. Stark. I'm sorry for setting your detention before classes. I had a lot of students who served detentions last night."

"It's, um, alright." You sat down on her chair and set your bag down. You noticed a paper and a quill sitting down at the table you were at. "What am I going to do exactly, professor?"

"You're going to write some lines for me, Ms. Stark." She replied as she stood up and tapped her finger to your paper near the quill. "Not with your quill but you will, instead, use a rather special quill of mine."

You softly gulped as you slowly took the quill into your grasp. You saw what happened to Harry's hand last night and he was from Umbridge's detention. So whatever wounded him will possibly happen to you today.

"Now, I want you to write, 'I will not attack a schoolmate,' okay?"

"H-How many times?"

Umbridge stood behind you as she pretended to think. "For as long as it takes for the message to sink in."

When Umbridge looked away, you gripped your hold onto the quill. 'Shall I break this and pretended it just snapped so I wouldn't have to do this?' You sighed in defeat and noticed there was no ink around. "You, um, haven't given me any ink, professor."

"You won't be needing one, dear."

You pressed your lips together and started writing the first line. A few seconds later after you finished and were ready to write the second line, you gasped as you felt a burning and painful sensation in your other hand. You looked down to see the same line with your handwriting being carved into your skin at the back of your hand.

"For as long as it takes for the message to sink in."

'She meant it literally.' You flinched as the line was being slowly carved into your skin, slowly making you feel the pain. You glanced at the quill before looking up to see Umbridge walking towards your front. "Is there something wrong?"

Her innocent stare was making you sick. You knew that behind her innocent stare or tone, you knew there was hostility and aggression inside. Most of it was hatred. Looking up at her, horrified, your expression slowly changed, and shook your head. "N-Nothing's wrong, professor."

Umbridge smiled. "That's good." She leaned down to you still smiling. "You know that attacking a fellow student is a wrong thing to do. You asked me before what kind of consequences you'll receive. Now, you know."

She tapped your wounded hand causing you to yelp in surprise and pain. Umbridge, however, was unbothered. "You know that you deserve to be punished, dear. Now go on."


You entered the Great Hall to look for your friends. Stacey noticed you from her table and smirked when she spotted you hiding your wounded hand in your robes. She leaned against Daphne's ear. "Look at her." Daphne turned in your direction and noticed your hand. "That's... awful."

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