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You and your family went to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for you and your sister. You were looking around the Flourish and Blotts shop with your family and saw Peter buying books.

Like Draco, he grew taller too, his hair was still curly and you feel like his voice changed too. You were about to go and talk to him but you were stopped by someone by grabbing your shoulder.

"Where are you going, Ms. Stark?"

You gulped then looked at the man who stopped you. Lucius Malfoy. "T-To my friend, Mr. Malfoy..."

He looked at your friend, Peter, who's reading. He looked down at you and smiled. "To Ambrose? He's your friend? Ms. Stark, I am very disa--"

"(Y/n)!" You heard your father called out. Lucius let go of you and you quickly ran towards your father. Edward saw you and Lucius. "Lucius Malfoy."

"Edward Stark."

Your father wrapped his arm around your shoulder protectively. "Where's your son, hm?"

"He's upstairs. Looking for books." Lucius replied, looking up to his son who was picking books.

"Eddie! You have to see this!" You heard your mother yelled.

You quickly rushed to your mother while Edward stayed for a bit. "I thought you were distancing yourself from us?"

"I was just saving your daughter from talking to the half-blood child." He glanced at Peter who was picking out books. "You've done enough damage to your family already, it must be stopped."

"Leave us alone, Lucius." Edward hissed. "And while you're at it, tell your son to stay the hell away from my daughter. He's becoming like you."

Edward walked away and approached his wife, leaving Lucius alone. Draco, who was by the stairs, heard the whole conversation had clutched his fists in anger.

Your father stood beside your mother. "What is it?" Your father asked.

"The Boy Who Lived." Your mother breathed as she saw Harry Potter. You and your father grinned.

"Harry!" You hugged Harry making him jump in surprise. "I missed you! How come you never write letters?"

"Well... I..." Harry stuttered as he pulled away from the hug. "It's a long story..."

"We got loads of time." You smiled.

"So you know each other?" Megan asked, gasping. You nodded. "Woah. You're friends! That's awesome."

"(Y/n)!" You felt arms hugged you from behind and you quickly realized who it was. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Mione!" You giggled as she pulled away. You saw Ron who smiled at you, can't hug you because he's squished between two people. "Hello, Ron!"

"Hello there, (Y/n)!" He greeted with a wave.

"And now! Ladies and gentlemen let's all welcome, Gilderoy Lockhart!" You heard someone announced excitedly. People, especially women, paid attention as Gilderoy Lockhart came out. A cameraman from the Daily Prophet took a photograph of him.

"Mum fancies him." You heard Ron whispered at Harry causing his mother to smack him playfully.

You looked at your sister and Hermione who were starstruck on seeing the man. You stared at Lockhart as he waved to everyone and you rolled your eyes.

"My, my, is that Harry Potter?" You heard him ask. Harry's eyes widened as the people around turned to him. The cameraman dragged Harry Potter to Lockhart as Lockhart gave Harry his books. "Nice big smile, Harry, to get you and me together on the front page."

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