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I heard the song a while ago while we're on the mall and I fell in love with it. I mean, I'm already in love with the song but I keep on falling with it. It's beautiful!

If you guys want to hear the song, you can play it because there's a video above. Hope you guys like it!


Next week will be the start of your third year at Hogwarts. You were currently in your room, sitting on your bed, and playing your guitar. 

"Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you." 

You quietly sang as you strummed the strings of your guitar, closing your eyes.

"Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you." 

You were about to sing the next part but paused when you heard your door creaking open. You looked up to see your sister coming to your room.

"Why'd you stop?" She asked as she sat down beside you on your bed. "Your voice is great."

You stifled a laugh and placed your guitar down. "Thanks, sis."

Megan smiled and then looked down, her fingertips were touching your guitar as she observed it. "You're always in your room. Mum and Dad are worried. Are you alright?"

You smiled and nodded. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Just playing my guitar and studying."

Megan laughed and looked at you in surprise. "Wow. Studying. Since when do you study?"

You gasped dramatically and playfully hit her arm. "I just want to study. That's all."

Her smile disappeared and sighed as she hugged her knees. "Draco still doesn't remember you?"

You took a deep breath and shook your head, looking at your window. "Yeah. I'm guessing he remembers you?"

She slowly nods and lowered her head. "He doesn't remember that I have a sister. He wants to meet you. He's downstairs."

You froze on your spot then quickly looked at your sister who's now looking at you. "What? And you didn't tell me?!"

She chuckled nervously. "Whoops? I wanted it to be a surprise." Megan saw your expression so she sighed. "Look, Draco just got back from the Healers. He's being treated so sooner or later, he'll finally remember you. So would you please just come downstairs and meet him?

"Guess what little sister," You crossed your arms and huffed. "I'm not going down!"

"Come ooooon!" She whined. "Maybe he could remember you if he sees youuuuu!"

"I won't force myself in him!"

"..." Megan looked at you in surprise while her mouth was hung open.

"..." You blinked twice until you finally realized what you said causing you to blush furiously in embarrassment. "I didn't mean it like that..."

Megan gave you a mocking smirk. "Yeah. Suuuuuure."

"Shut up!"

You heard her laugh. "But seriously. Just come down and let him see you." You felt her jumped out of your bed and you looked at her to see her on your door. "Or I'll bring him in your room." She said teasingly.

"Megan Jane Stark!" You yelled, blushing furiously. She laughed and headed downstairs. You sighed and laid your head on your pillow. You closed your eyes. "Whatever it takes..." You whispered. "Or how my heart breaks... I will be right here waiting for you..."

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