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You looked towards the entrance of the Great Hall before looking back at your book and taking a small bite. "Don't worry. He'll be here in a minute." Ron reassured. Hermione scrunched her nose as she watched Ron continue to eat. In frustration, she slapped her book to him a couple of times. "Will. You. Stop. Eating? Your best friend is missing!"

Ron furrowed his eyebrows until he spotted Harry. "Oi! Turn around, you lunatic." You and Hermione turned around to see Luna and Harry entering the Great Hall.

Ginny sighed while you moved aside so Harry could sit beside her. "He's covered in blood again," Ginny said. "Why is it he's always covered in blood?"

"Looks like it's his own this time," Ron stated as Harry sat down between you and Ginny.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked. She furrowed her eyebrows and pointed Harry's bloody nose. "What happened to your face?"

"Later," Harry replied. "What've I missed?"

"Sorting Hat urged as all to be brave and strong in these troubled times," Ron replied. "Easy for it to say, though, huh? It's a hat, isn't it?"

Ginny took Harry's stained cloth and helped him wipe the blood off his nose. Harry smiled and gently took the napkin back from Ginny. "Thanks." Ginny smiled back in return until Dean placed his hand on top of hers, gaining her attention to him. As Ginny and Dean leaned against each other, Harry sighed, and you gave him a pat on the back.

"Very best of evenings to you all." Dumbledore greeted. "First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff... Horace Slughorn." Students started to clap.

Dumbledore glanced at Slughorn. "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master."

The headmaster cleared his throat when the clapping stopped. "Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts... will be taken by Professor Snape."

"Snape?" You heard some students question in disbelief and surprise. You glanced at the Slytherin table to see them clapping proudly except for the familiar blonde whose chin was resting on his palm.

You could tell how the events of previous months and weeks have changed him. He doesn't have his hair all loose now and has used gel for a bit. His hair wasn't like his first and second years in Hogwarts, nor was it like the hairstyle you have been used to, but it was neat and styled. You liked it, though.

His skin was paler than before, and his eyes were tired. When you locked eyes with him back at the train, you could see his stress and exhaustion swimming in his eyes. His eyes were staring out of nowhere, and his food was left untouched.

While Draco's friends sat beside him and chatted around, he remained quiet, like he was alone.

"Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why." Dumbledore inhaled as he began his story.

"Once, there was a young man..." Dumbledore started. "...who, like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle."

You looked around when students started whispering. You glanced worriedly at Ginny who slightly flinched, feeling uneasy.

"Today, of course, is known all over the world by another name."

You leaned towards Ron, who also leaned to hear you. "Yeah. It's Voldemort McNonose." You whispered with a smirk earning a snicker from Ron and small smile from Ginny. Hermione gently but annoyingly tapped your head, warning you while she slapped Ron's back.

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