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It was finally the holiday you have been waiting for. Christmas Day. As much as you wanted to go home, you decided to stay at Hogwarts while Hermione decided to go back home. You were beside Harry who was playing a game of magical chess with Ron.

"You have a sister?" Harry asked you as he made a move.

"Yup. A year younger than me. She'll be attending Hogwarts next year." You smiled.

"I have a younger sister too, (Y/n)!" Ron grinned as he took a move. Harry made another move in chess. "She's going to Hogwarts next school year."

"Knight to E5," Harry said as the knight piece moved.

Hermione came to the Great Hall with her suitcase and spotted you with Ron and Harry. You were sitting with Ron and completely forgotten the book you were supposed to be reading. Hermione stood just beside Harry as she watched the two boys play chess. Ron smirked when he saw a chance to move. "Queen to E5."

You and Hermione watched as Ron's queen piece came to life and smashed Harry's knight piece. You softly clapped earning a small smile from Ron while an audible gasp from Hermione. "That's totally barbaric!"

Ron looked at Hermione. "That's wizard's chess." He glanced down and spotted her suitcase. "I see you've packed."

"I see you haven't."

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good. You and (Y/n) can help Harry, then."

You brought your book up. "On it."

Ron raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Help with what?"

"Harry's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel," Hermione replied.

A frown appeared on Ron's face as he turned to you and Harry. "We've looked a hundred times!" He complained.

Hermione leaned towards the table to whisper. "Not in the restricted section." Hermione smiled before giving you a quick hug. "I'm gonna miss you, (Y/n)."

You smiled and hugged back. "I'm going to miss you too, Mione."

Hermione pulled away from the hug and glared at Harry and Ron. "If anything bad happens to her or if she gets hurt, I'm going to cast a spell on you two boys, I don't care if it's the darkest spell or not!"

Ron and Harry shivered in fear and gulped. "Uh, yeah! Of course, we'll take good care of her."

Hermione nodded in relief before taking the handle of her suitcase and glancing at the three of you. "Happy Christmas."

As Hermione left, Ron turned to you and Harry. "Going to the restricted section? I think we've had a bad influence on her."


You woke up the next day and turned around to see your owl, Frigga hasn't returned yet. You delivered a letter to your parents just yesterday and you're expecting to receive a reply back today. You quickly ran outside of the Girls' Dormitories and found Harry and Ron getting their presents. "Hello, (Y/n)! Happy Christmas!" The two boys greeted in unison.

"Happy Christmas to the both of you." You greeted back as you approached the two and noticed Ron's sweater. "What's that you're wearing?"

Ron sighed. "Mum made it. Harry got one too."

"I think it looks cute on both of you." You complimented making Ron blush a bit while Harry smiled. You approached the large Christmas tree and searched for your presents.

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