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You walked with Hermione to your Herbology class then you saw Harry and Ron joining the both of you. "We didn't see you last night! Where have you two been?" You asked them worriedly.

"It's a long story." Ron sighed. "But we'll tell you later."

The four of you reached the class, which was a greenhouse, and waited for the teacher. Professor Pomona Sprout entered the class with her wand in her hand.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Professor Sprout."

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Gather around, now, everyone." She turned around and took a pot. "Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me what a Mandrake is?"

Hermione shot her hand up and Professor Sprout called her to answer. "Mandrake or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

Professor Sprout nodded and smiled. "Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor."

You smiled at Hermione and saw Harry grinned. On your other side was Crabbe and beside him were Draco and Goyle. You looked at them and saw them glared at Harry.

"Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out several hours which is why I give each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. So could you please put them on right away? Quickly." 

You, along with the other students, wore your earmuffs and slightly tapped them. She started demonstrating how to pull the Mandrake out of the pot and put it in another pot. "You grasp your Mandrake firmly and pull it sharply out of the pot."

The Mandrake's screamed causing all of you to cover your already-covered ears. "Go it? And... now, you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." Since the small Mandrake's screams won't stop, Neville fainted earning looks from the students and Sprout.

Professor Sprout sighed. "Oh, Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs."

Draco chuckled as well as his goons. Seamus Finnigan, who was beside Neville, shook his head. "No, ma'am, he's just fainted."

Professor Sprout nodded. "Yes, well, just leave him there." She sighed. "Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up." 

You all pulled your Mandrakes out and all of them screamed. You winced in pain as Ron made an expression. You glanced over to Hermione who sighed. "You alright, Hermione?" You asked.

She managed to hear your question and nodded wordlessly. You turned to Draco and saw him playing with the Mandrake, probably tickling it. Draco brought his finger towards its mouth and the Mandrake bit it. He struggled to let his finger out and after a few seconds, he finally pulled out his finger away from the Mandrake. He glared at the Mandrake in annoyance.

Draco turned to you and saw you snickering. He slightly blushed in embarrassment and quickly put the Mandrake at the other pot.


You were on your way to the Great Hall until you saw a black-haired girl coming out from the Hall. Her head was tilted high and proud as if she owned the school. She was the new student and she was just about your age. The girl glanced at you with a deadly look causing you to flinch.

She stopped just beside you and faced you causing you to stop walking. "(Y/n) Stark, am I right?"

You nodded. "Who's asking?"

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