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"Come on!" Harry whispered.

You and your friends arrived at the boathouse and hid somewhere where the Dark Lord and Snape wouldn't see the four of you. Although, Harry made sure that he, you, Hermione, and Ron could see them through the windows.

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord, in the last few hours alone," Snape told Voldemort.

"No!" Voldemort denied. "No! I am extraordinary. But the wand resists me.

"There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes, it will not fail you, I am sure..." Snape told Voldemort, trying to reassure him. "It answers to you, and you only."

"Does it?"

Snape looked at him unsurely. "My Lord?"

"The wand, does it truly answer to me?" Voldemort asked once again. "You're a clever man, Severus. Surely, you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?"

"With you..." Snape answered with no hesitation. "Of course, my Lord."

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner."

Your eyes slowly widened in realization, and you covered your mouth with your hand.

"He disarmed him using that."

You glanced at Hermione and Harry, who were focused on listening.

"Draco. He disarmed Dumbledore using his wand. That's what Harry told me."

Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore. Therefore, Draco Malfoy was the true master of the wand. Until Harry snatched his wand away from him, making Harry the true master of the wand. The Master of Death.

However, Harry returned the wand back to Draco. You blinked in confusion. 'This is all so confusing.'

"You killed Dumbledore, Severus," Voldemort said. "While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever."

"My Lord..."

With one flick of the wand, Voldemort made Snape bleed, making you gasp softly. Ron held your hand to calm you down. Snape fell down, and his body managed to hit the windows behind him, creating a loud thud.

"Nagini, kill!"

As fast as lightning, the snake attacked Snape. Nagini dug its poisonous fangs on his body in each bite. You would flinch at every attack and look away when it was too much. You and your friends could hear Snape hitting against the windows behind him in every attack that Nagini does.

After that, Voldemort and the viscous snake Disapparated. You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione took the chance and entered the room. Harry sat down beside Snape while you stayed with Ron and Hermione.

Harry covered Snape's wound on his neck to stop the bleeding; however, it was no use. Snape looked at Harry as a tear slipped out from his eye. "Take it... take it up, please!" He told him as he lifted his shaky hand to point at his tears.

Harry turned to Hermione. "Give me something! Quickly, a flask. Anything!"

Hermione hurriedly took out a flash from her bag and gave it to you. You passed the flask to Harry, and he pressed the flask against Snape's cheek, waiting for the tear to roll down inside the flask. Once it was inside, Harry pulled the flask away. "Take them to the Pensieve," Snape instructed, and your friend nodded.

Snape turned to look at you. "Take care of each other, Stark. You and Malfoy." You blinked in surprise, but you nodded.

Snape looked back at Harry. "Look at me..." Harry did as he was told. "You really have your mother's eyes."

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