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"Welcome, my children." Professor Sybil Trelawney greeted. "In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight."

She stood up and clumsily bumped into her table. "Hello. I am Professor Trelawney." She introduced. "Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. This term, we'll be focusing on Tasseomancy, which is the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you."

You exchanged cups with Harry and Ron. Hermione wasn't around and you wondered where she was. "What do you see?" Trelawney asked. "The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond."

The students looked up when Trewalney raised her hands while you flinched in surprise when Hermione suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Oh, what a load of rubbish." She whispered as she hid her necklace in her robes.

Harry and Ron jumped and turned to Hermione. "Where did you come from?" Ron asked.

"Me?" Hermione questioned. "I've been here all this time."

"You, boy..." Trelawney pointed at a Gryffindor boy, specifically Neville. "Is your grandmother quite well?"

Neville slowly nodded. "I think so."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup."

Dean gave Trelawney Neville's cup and the professor examined it. She scrunched her face and immediately set the cup down as she glanced at Neville. "Pity."

Neville and Dean exchanged looks of confusion causing Neville to take the cup while Dean checked his book to see what it means.

"Broaden your minds." Trelawney passed to you and your friends' table until she gasped loudly and pointed at Ron causing him to flinch while Hermione rolled her eyes. "Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are."

"Sure." Ron slowly nodded.

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see."

Ron quickly looked down at the cup. "Yeah. Well..." He immediately browsed his book for some answers. "Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So..."

Ron slowly looked up at Harry unsurely while Hermione slightly scoffed. "You're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it."

"Give me the cup." As Ron gave Harry's cup to Trewalney, her short glance made her push the cup aside in shock. "Oh, my dear boy."

Harry and Ron jumped in surprise and their eyes widened while you continued to listen and Hermione sighed heavily.

"My dear... you have... the Grim."

"The Grin?" You heard Seamus asked out loud. "What's the Grin?"

"Not the Grin, you idiot." You heard one of your classmates corrected. "The Grim."

You grabbed Ron's book and quickly looked for its definition while your classmate read it out loud. "Taking the form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen..."

"...of death." You finished as you glanced at Harry's teacup.


You went straight to the library and came in there to look for the book that you wanted. As you touched the book, someone grabbed it from the other side.

"What the..." You tiptoed and spotted a familiar brown-haired boy just on the other side. You moved some books away and you saw Peter Ambrose.

He blushed and smiled shyly. "Oh! H-Hi, (Y/n)!"

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