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You sighed in frustration, running your fingers through your hair, and walking towards the carriages with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. You noticed Harry looking at the distance causing you to look at where he was looking at. You saw him looking at Cho Chang and the Ravenclaw girl was looking back at him. Cho and her friends' carriage started driving away.

"Hi, guys." You heard Neville greeting. You were the only one who glanced at him and spotted him carrying a plant in a small pot. "Hello, Neville." The four of you said in unison.

Harry sighed and shook his head. You didn't want to interfere but you preferred Harry and Ginny to end up together. You just needed to help the girl to approach Harry.

You and Harry looked at the last carriage and saw a creature. It looks like a horse but different. You and Harry exchanged looks then looked back at the creature. "What is it?" You asked.

Ron looked at you confusingly. "What's what?"

"That," Harry said as he pointed at the reptilian-like horse. "Pulling the carriage."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself like always."

You and Harry walked around the carriage where a girl was already seated. She was reading a magazine which was covering her face.

"You're not going mad." She lowered her magazine, The Quibbler, which she has been reading upside down. "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

You quickly noticed who she was. Luna Lovegood. The girl that Megan introduced to you last year. Luna smiled sweetly at you. "Hello, (Y/n)."

You smiled in return. "Hi." You greeted back as you climbed up on the carriage and sat beside her. On your other side was Ron who was facing Hermione. On your front was Harry and beside him was Neville.

"Everyone, this is Loony Love--" Hermione stopped herself, realizing her mistake. You shot a small glare at her causing her to inhale sharply.

"Luna Lovegood." You corrected as you tore your eyes off of Hermione and looked at Luna. Hermione looked away, ashamed of what she just said. You looked at a butterbeer cork necklace that's on Luna's neck. "Nice necklace." You commented.

Luna looked down at her necklace. "It's a charm, actually." She looked at all of you and leaned closer to Neville and Harry. "Keeps away the Nargles."

Neville blinked in confusion but he moved away for a bit uncomfortably. Harry's just looking at her.

"Hungry," Luna said. "I hope there's pudding."

You smiled and nodded. "There will be."

The carriages moved and you heard Ron whispered to Hermione. "What's a Nargle?"

"No idea," Hermione whispered back.


You stared in front flabbergasted. 'Is it just me or am I really seeing a pink toad in front who just rudely interrupted Dumbledore?'

Dumbledore had announced that Professor Grubbly-Plank has returned to teach Care of Magical Creatures while Hagrid was on temporary leave. He had welcomed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher which was, of course, Dolores Umbridge. Dumbledore was stating some reminders until Dolores Umbridge cleared her throat to talk and took the spotlight.

Umbridge stood up from her seat and slowly, but intimidatingly, approached the middle. Harry leaned towards you and Hermione. "She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge."

You scoffed as you dip your food into some sauce. "Well, Fudge's mental now anyway." You replied. "He needs a spy inside Hogwarts to watch Dumbledore and your moves."

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