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"I don't like this." Hermione shook her head in disapproval as the four of you entered a strange room full of large statues. "I don't like this at all."

"Where are we?" Harry asked. "A graveyard?"

"This is no graveyard," Ron stated. He stepped forward and looked around. "It's a chessboard."

Lots of fire started illuminating the place as the three of you followed Ron. Harry looked around until he pointed to a door just across the room. "There's the door."

You and your friends walked forward until the giant chess pieces blocked your way to the door. The four of you stepped back in fear. "Now what do we do?" You asked.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Ron asked. "We've got to play our way across the room."

Ron faced Harry, you, and Hermione. "Alright. Harry, you take the empty bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the queen-side castle."

You closed your eyes as you realized where he'll put you. "I'll be on the pawn's square, aren't I?"

Ron nodded. "Don't worry, I'll try not to use you on the game. I'll be the knight."

The four of you went to your places. Hermione looked towards Ron. "What happens now?"

"Well, white moves first. And then... we play."

A white pawn chess piece moved forward just in front of Harry. Ron looked for the chess pieces and his friends as he thought about what to move. Hermione gulped. "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like... real wizard's chess, do you?"

Ron pressed his lips into thin line until he ordered a pawn piece. "You there, D5."

The piece moved and the white pawn hit the pawn that Ron used and shattered it into pieces. You and Hermione flinched and gasped in surprise while the boys widened their eyes.

Ron gulped. "Yes, Hermione." He answered her question. "I think this is gonna be exactly like wizard's chess."

You and Hermione glanced towards Ron. "Um, Ronald..." You said. "I would be lying if I said that I'm not scared because I'm placed as a pawn."

"Don't worry, (Y/n)," Ron reassured. "You won't get hurt, I promise."

Ron started playing, concrete pieces were flying around as chess pieces hit each other. In the end, you, your friends, the White Queen, and the White King were the only ones who were left. Ron sighed while Harry looked around until he softly gasped. "Wait a minute!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes were wide in realization.

"You see it, don't you, Harry?" Ron asked, looking at him. "Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King."

Harry had a worried look on his face making me confuse. "No. Ron, No!"

"What is it?" You asked them both, confused.

"He's going to sacrifice himself," Harry replied, looking at you.

Hermione shook her head. "No, you can't, there must be another way!"

Ron sighed and turned to Hermione. "Do you want to stop Snape from getting that Stone or not?"

Hermione looked at Ron, stunned.

Ron then turned to Harry. "Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me. Not (Y/n). Not Hermione. You."

Harry took a deep breath and nodded. Ron took also a deep breath and gripped tight onto the chess piece he was on. "Knight to H3."

Ron and his horse advanced to the next square. Ron breathed deep, closing his eyes. "Check."

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