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The trio landed on the ground but Draco quickly got up and pointed his wand at Lockhart. The two Gryffindor boys did the same thing.

"Now remember," Harry spoke. "Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away."

Draco and Ron nodded as Harry went inside the tunnel first. Lockhart stood there until Ron spotted him. "Go on." Lockhart flinched and quickly followed Harry. Draco and Ron followed behind, their wands pointing at Lockhart. 

"This way." Harry lead the way until the four men discovered something huge. "What's this?" Ron asked.

"It looks like, uh, snake..." Lockhart stuttered.

"It's a snakeskin." Draco corrected as he examined the snakeskin. Harry made his way to the other side as he touched the snakeskin.

"Bloody hell." Ron gasped. "Whatever shed this must be 60 feet long, or more."

Suddenly, the 'Great' Gilderoy Lockhart passed out. Ron glanced at Draco and sighed. "Heart of a lion, this one." He sarcastically commented.

Lockhart abruptly opened his eyes wide and quickly grabbed Ron's wand, standing up, and pointing the wand at the trio. Draco brought out his wand until he remembered something about Ron's wand. 'Wait. Weasley's wand is broken.'

"The adventure ends here, boys." Lockhart scoffed as Draco slowly brought his arm back down. "But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds with the sight of her mangled body." Lockhart pointed the wand at Potter. "So, you first, Mr. Potter. Say goodbye to your memories."

"Obliviate!" The spell backfired Ron's wand was broken. Lockhart flew right into the wall and was dropped down with a rough landing. Because of this, the place started shaking. Rocks started falling down from above.

Ron and Draco started walking back to avoid the rocks and so did Harry causing the trio to be separated.

"Potter!" Draco yelled as Weasley coughed.

"Ron! Malfoy!" Harry called out from the other side. Ron and Draco noticed Harry looking at them through the hole from the rocks. "Are you two okay?"

"We're fine!" Ron answered.

The three boys heard a groan from Ron and Draco's side. Draco and Ron looked down to see Lockhart getting up. He was confused at first but when he looked at the two boys and smiled. "Hello. Who are you?"

Ron furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Um... Ron Weasley."

"How about you?" Lockhart asked the blonde boy with a goofy and stupid smile on his face.

"Uh, Draco Malfoy," Draco replied.

"Really!" He exclaimed. "And, uh, wh-who am I?"

Ron gasped and looked at Harry. "Lockhart's Memory Charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is."

Harry continued to look at Lockhart who started talking again. "It's an odd sort of place, isn't it?" Lockhart chuckled as he grabbed a rock and played with it. "Do you two live here?"

Draco scoffed while Ron took the rock from Lockhart's hand. "No."

"Really?" Lockhart asked but was knocked unconscious by Ron with the same rock that was on Lockhart's hand. Harry winced at the sight.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked.

"You two wait here and try and shift some of the rocks so we can get back. I'll go and find Ginny." Harry instructed.

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