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"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow." Hermione told Ron as she glanced up to see some snow falling down at the four of you.

Ron nodded while Harry dusted the snow off away from the table. "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron said as he glanced at Lavender, who was a table away behind you and Harry.

Ron was finally out, and well, however, he has no idea how he broke up with Lavender; he didn't even know they were broken up.

"Well, she came to visit you in the hospital," Hermione explained, a bit stuttering. "And you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation."

"Don't get me wrong... I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems a bit... put out." Ron said.

You and Harry looked behind while Hermione and Ron moved their heads to the side. The four of you saw Lavender gripping her spoon tightly and a younger Gryffindor girl looking at her weirdly. "Yes, um... she does, doesn't she?" Hermione stifled a chuckle.

You frowned. 'Lavender's killing the spoon. Poor spoon. Please let go. It did nothing wrong.'

As you feared for the poor spoon's life at the hands of Lavender Brown, Harry turned back to Hermione and Ron. "You say you don't remember anything from that night." You heard Hermione ask Ron. "Anything at all?"

Ron started thinking. "There is something." He glanced at Harry before chuckling. "But it can't be. I was completely boggled, didn't I?"

Hermione painfully let out a forced chuckle. "Right. Boggled."

You broke your stare from Lavender's spoon when you noticed someone passed by. You looked at the person and realized who it was. "Harry..." You tapped Harry's shoulder. "She's back. Katie. Katie Bell."

Harry looked around until he spotted Katie Bell. He stood up, and you watched as Harry walked towards Katie. "Katie." Hs greeted with a warm smile which she returned with a small smile. "How are you?"

You took a bite on your chocolate, savoring the flavor of its sweetness until Hermione faked a cough to get your attention. You looked at her, and she gestured you to look at the entrance of the Great Hall.

You turned your head to the side to see Draco Malfoy breathing heavily and began to panic when he saw Katie. He glanced at you while you stared at him. He was tired and paler as ever.

Katie eventually noticed your boyfriend causing Harry to turn around, seeing Draco. Harry clenched his jaw while Draco gulped and looked around before turning and walking away in a hurry.

"Katie. I--"

"No, Harry." You interrupted him. "You can talk to Katie. I'll go after him."

Before Harry could argue, you stood up and ran away, following Draco. You saw him turn to a corner, and you began chasing him, not letting him leave out from your sight.

Draco headed straight to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. You froze for a second. 'Does he come here often?' You quietly entered the bathroom and saw him in front of the sink and mirror. Draco was standing with his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink, his white-blond head bowed. He removed his vest and looked at himself.

His lips started to quiver, and he started crying. You began approaching him until Moaning Myrtle noticed Draco's presence.

"Don't," You heard Moaning Myrtle crooned from one of the cubicles. You watched as she floated towards him. "Don't... tell me what's wrong. I can help you."

"No one can help me," Draco cried. His whole body was shaking. "I can't do it... I can't... It won't work, and unless I do it soon... he says he'll kill me... he might even kill her..."

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