Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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Previously On...

The gang argues about the name of AbhiNik's baby.

Chapter 107

As the wedding drew closer, preparations picked up in earnest in both the Gupta and Mallik households. Billy and Ananya wanted to leave no stone unturned in welcoming the newest member of their family and were pulling all stops to ensure that their daughter got the homecoming she deserved. They'd already ordered Armaan to buy her an entire new wardrobe that the two of them had funded, knowing that Armaan knew her choices better than them, but had also bought a few select pieces themselves. Ananya had gone jewellery shopping on more than one occasion and came back with lots of stuff for her new daughter. But, the most important inclusion they made, to show Riddhima that they truly considered her family, was to include her in Billy's will. Being such a successful industrialist, Billy had had a will and testament prepared years ago, before he ever thought that Armaan would get married. His son had never shown any interest in marriage before Riddhima, and Billy wasn't too sure if he would ever do so, which is why he had never thought of the possibility of having a daughter - in - law. But, now that he did, he wanted her to feel like she was a part of the family, which she was, presumably the most important part. And hence, the addition to his will was necessary. They hadn't told Riddhima about this yet because they didn't think she would be totally on board with it. Any discussion of wills peeved her a lot and she would always end the discussions before they even started. Billy could understand her hesitance and so didn't push her.

The Guptas were not any better. They had a hundred things to look after to make sure that the wedding happened smoothly. Since it was decided that the wedding would take place in Mumbai, they had been handed the responsibility of organizing the entire shindig. Seeing as it was the first wedding in the Gupta family among all of the younger Gupta cousins, everyone wanted it to be grand, bordering on ostentatious. With Shashank being so busy with his work, most of the planning was done by Nani and Padma Mumma, with the help of the gang.

The gang were, undoubtedly, the ones who were the most excited about the wedding. It was the most awaited wedding among their little group of friends. Everyone had been waiting for Armaan & Riddhima to get married for literal years and now that it was finally happening, there was no end to their happiness and exuberance. They all happily volunteered to help in any and all ways that they could and the Guptas had put all of them to work.

In the absence of Armaan, since everyone had forbidden both Armaan & Riddhima to work for their own wedding, Rahul had been appointed as the ringleader. In 2 days, he had new found appreciation for Armaan, who had always managed to coral all their friends into doing his bidding, while managing their crazy schedules at work, and also somehow finding the perfect job for everyone to oversee. He would never be responsible for organizing anything with their friends ever again, Rahul thought to himself. Armaan could do the job whenever he pleased. Rahul had had half a mind to call Armaan on board anyway, but he knew that if Shashank Uncle, or god forbid, Padma Aunty found out, he would be in big trouble. So, he said his prayers and got to work. Hopefully, Armaan and Riddhima's wedding wouldn't be a total failure.

Thankfully, Anjali had been godsent. She handled both Atul and Muskaan with a finesse he had never seen before. Anjali knew just which buttons to push for the two of them to get work done and for that he was grateful. It gave him time to deal with Nikki's frequent emotional outbursts and smooth things through. Abhi was the only person who Rahul could rely on to do stuff properly, but he was extremely busy at the hospital with some important investor meetings and wasn't able to dedicate as much time to planning as Rahul had hoped.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें