Chapter Seventy Four

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Life returned to normal after the reunion. Or, as normal as it could for the gang. Now, in addition to Armaan & Riddhima, it was somewhat common to find Rahul & Muskaan in a corner too. The gang teased the hell out of them, but everyone was really glad that finally, after all the hurdles, Rahul & Muskaan were in a happy space in their relationship. They had seen a lot of ups and downs, with mostly downs, so it was a nice change to see them so happy.

Armaan was actually really happy that his college friends had come to understand how much he'd changed since then and just how much he adored and loved Riddhima. The day after the sleepover, before they'd all left, Neha had apologized to Armaan again. She'd told him that she was working under the impression that he was still the same old Armaan Mallik and Riddhima was just a passing fancy. If she'd known he was so serious about her, she wouldn't have ever tried to break them up. Armaan had instantly forgiven her, because he knew that beneath everything, Neha was a good person. Yes, she was shallow when it came to love, but she was a great friend and she cared about the people in her life a lot. And really, how was she to know that Armaan had changed so much from the boy she knew in college? So, he had forgiven her.

Sonia, though. Well, she understood that Armaan loved Riddhima, but that didn't change the fact that she didn't like Riddhima. Armaan was sure it was due to the fact that Riddhima stood up to her when no one else ever had. Sonia wasn't used to being called out on her shit, so obviously, Riddhima saying the things she'd never dreamt of hearing would have been a shock to her and she would never like Riddhima for that. And, it was okay. At least she hadn't tried to flirt with Rahul again. It would have been difficult to do that because Rahul and Muskaan were really in a world of their own all night. They were being so sappy and cute, it made Armaan want to puke. When he told Nikki that, Nikki laughed out loud and told him that he and Riddhima made others feel that 95% of the time.

But, Armaan was really glad that they were together. Finally. They'd seen a lot of issues in their relationship and after all that, now, they had a good relationship. He couldn't be happier for his friends.

Agastya had been really shocked on hearing Armaan and Riddhima’s story and it had impacted him hugely. He'd told Armaan about a girl he'd been seeing, who he had fallen for, but things hadn't worked the way he wished they had and he hadn't tried hard enough to fight for her. But,listening to Armaan’s story had inspired him and he was going to try to make things right with her now. Armaan was absolutely over the moon because of that. He'd promised Agastya that he'd help in anyway he could.

Nisha had been her usual supportive self. She'd hugged both him and Riddhima and told them that she was really happy that Armaan had finally found someone who understood and loved him the way he deserved. Riddhima had then told him that Nisha was definitely her favourite ex of his.

But, of all of them, Rakesh was the happiest. He was nothing short of jubilant. For both him and Rahul. And, he'd said that time and again through the night. Before leaving, he'd hugged Armaan and Rahul hard and made them promise that he would be the wedding planner for both their weddings. And, he'd also said that he was hearing wedding bells not far in their future.

Which brought Armaan to his predicament. Ever since his friends had gotten wind of the fact that he was planning on proposing, all of them, and he did mean all of them, including Rakesh and Agastya with who he was in constant touch with nowadays, had started interrogating him for information about when it would happen. As if Cole calling him all the time wasn't enough, he now had to deal with all these clowns as well.

Armaan’s parents, on discovering the news had promptly shared it with Shashank and Padma and so now, he was subjected to their questioning as well. It was really heartwarming and annoying at the same time, just how much all the people in his life were invested in his and Riddhima’s relationship, especially their marriage.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें