Chapter Thirty Three

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The next few days passed by quickly. Slowly, Armaan was coming to realize that Riddhima really was fine with him not wanting to get married right away. He couldn't have been more grateful for the fact.

Riddhima had been absolutely amazing to him the past few weeks. After he had explained to her just why he wanted to wait before they got married, he was sure she was going to laugh in his face at his pathetic excuses. But, she had held him and loved him and reassured him. It made him love her even more.

He was also extremely happy because Su seemed to have backed off in the past few days. He hadn't known the reason for it until just a few days prior but he had been thankful just the same. As it turned out, none of the interns were aware of his and Riddhima's relationship, leading Su to think that he was on the market when he was, in fact, very much off.

He had been surprised when he had walked in the locker room the day after the match and Yuvi had hugged him and congratulated him. At his confused expression, Yuvi had explained that he had just found out about him and Riddhima and he was very happy for them. Yuvi went on to tell him that he thought that Riddhima and he were great together. Armaan had grown really close to Yuvi and Naina in the past few days as they had assisted him on several cases and he had started thinking of them as his friends. He was absolutely delighted to see Yuvi so happy about his and Riddhima's relationship.

Yuvi had also told Naina, who had hugged Armaan and Riddhima so tight the next time she saw them that she had actually tackled them to the ground. Riddhima had laughed and asked her the reason for her sudden exuberance, and Armaan had smiled wiedly because he was fairly certain as to why Naina was so happy. AS it turned out, he was right. Naina had told Riddhima about how Yuvi had told her about the two of them and that she couldn't be happier for them. Naina had always suspected that what they had ran a lot deeper than just friendship and she was ecstatic to know that they were together. She went on babbling about how she thought that they were extremely cute together and that she thought they were the perfect couple' and definitely a match made in Heaven.' That one had made Armaan smile widely. And no one had been able to decipher the reason for his smile or get it off his face for the next several hours.

As it turned out, Su had heard Naina's rant about how she felt about their relationship, causing her to stop flirting with him. Naina had told him over lunch a few days back that she had entered the locker room one day to see Su pacing around and muttering something about how she thought that Riddhima wasn't good for Armaan. Naina had then decided to take matters into her own hands and told Su straight up that she wasn't to interfere in their relationship. Naina had seen first hand just how much in love Armaan and Riddhima were and she was sure that nothing could break them. She had told Su just as much and explained to her that she was only setting herself up for inevitable heartbreak if she decided to pursue Armaan despite of knowing about his relationship. Her exact words to Su had been He literally worships the ground she walks on, Su. He's not going to leave her for anything in the world.'

Naina explained that Su had been decidedly upset about the fact. But, then, she had seen Armaan and Riddhima together one day in the fire escape during one of their breaks. On seeing them together, she had realized just how much they loved each other and immediately ran to Naina and apologized to her for even thinking about doing anything to jeopardize Armaan and Riddhima's relationship. She was definitely sad because she had taken a liking to Armaan, but she had understood that he wasn't going to like her in that way, ever.

Su was a realy good person and she had realized the folly in her ways. She even went to Riddhima to apologize for her behavior towards Armaan. She had apologized to Armaan as well, but he hadn't been able to figure out what had brought the apology on. It was a few days later that he had asked Naina about it at lunch that he had found out about it. Armaan had been extremely grateful to her and thanked her profusely for defending his relationship with Riddhima in front of Su. Naina had just shrugged it off saying that it was what friends did.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें