Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

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Previously On...
Armaan & Riddhima's reception

Chapter 130

Something was tickling Riddhima's ear, disturbing her slumber. She slapped it away and turned her face, trying to get some more sleep. A moment later, the buzz was back, this time along her arms. "Mmmmm," she moaned in protest. "Sone do na!"

Saying so, she tried to pull the blanket over her head but was unable to. Fed up, she opened her eyes to see Armaan grinning down at her. She glared at him, but that only brightened his smile. "Good morning, Basket!" He greeted her, bending down to press his lips to hers in a quick kiss.

The kiss was meant to be chaste, but as things were, it got heated quickly, Riddhima's arms around Armaan's neck as his tongue made its way into her mouth. He ran his hands along the side of her body, reminding Riddhima of her nakedness. As their bodies pressed closer, she was very aware of the fact that Armaan didn't have any clothes on either.

All their guests had left the morning after the reception, giving them some much deserved privacy. And they'd put it to good use. They'd spent the day at home, away from the entire world. They had kept their phones on in case there was an emergency, but had given strict instructions to everyone to not bother them unless no one else but they could help. Thankfully, their phones had not rang even once in the past twenty or so hours, their friends recognizing their need for time alone for a change. Even Nikki hadn't called.

After getting the house to themselves, they'd spent their time together, watching some cute romcoms in the morning, at Riddhima's demand. They'd cooked together, and then gone to bed after a sumptuous dinner, where they'd finally consummated their relationship in every sense of the word.

Riddhima blushed as she remembered the finer details of the night before. It was even better than she could have ever imagined. Armaan was generous and attentive, making her feel comfortable throughout the whole thing. He'd soothed her pains and had held her close the entire time, not letting her feel anything but ecstacy at what they were doing.

And now, here they were, early in the morning, when Armaan seemingly couldn't get enough and had woken Riddhima up, not that she was complaining, especially now as he kissed her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. She tugged him closer and kissed him back with just as much ardour, wrapping her arms and her legs around him, urging him in. Armaan did not disappoint, understanding her intentions immediately and giving her what she wanted. It did not take long for them to settle into a rhythm slowly becoming familiar to them. 

Later, they both showered together, at Armaan's insistence, of course, before dressing for the day. They had plans for breakfast with the rest of the gang at Nikki's place. Armaan had been unnecessarily worried, it seemed. With the birth of the twins, everyone had decided that they needed to gather at Nikki's house to make it easier for her. Since Nikki had brought the twins home, Armaan & Riddhima had visited at least once every day. It was quickly becoming clear that Abhi had been right. Riddhima was the twins' favourite. Whenever they saw her, both siblings would kick their legs excitedly, wanting to be picked up. No matter what Riddhima said about them being too young to recognize people, Armaan was firm on his belief that they recognized her.

As they did the moment they spotted her this morning as well. Nikki rolled her eyes. "Here you go, Riddhima Mami!" She exclaimed, passing Nibha on to her. Riddhima grinned brightly as she hugged the baby close. Abhin whined at not being picked and Armaan laughed, taking him from Alka. "Hey, Mr. Wow! Thoda time apne favourite Mr. Supercool ke saath bhi spend karlo!"

Abhin looked up at him, listening intently. Seemingly satisfied, he dropped his head, to snuggle into Armaan's neck. Armaan patted his back softly, humming a soft tune that put Abhin to sleep within minutes. "Should I put him to bed?" Armaan asked in a whisper sometime later when he was sure that the baby was in deep slumber. Abhi nodded and guided him inside. He was surprised to see Riddhima already there, putting a sleeping Nibha into the cot. He'd been so focused on Abhin that Armaan hadn't realized when Riddhima moved from the living room to the bedroom. When Riddhima looked up, he winked at her, making her roll her eyes. She went back to patting Nibha. Armaan placed Abhin in the cot as well. 

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें