Chapter Fifty One

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On coming back, Armaan and Riddhima threw themselves into work. There was a lot that needed to be done. They had to catch up on cases, help with planning the concert, help Dr. Kirti with interns and also come up with what they wanted to do at the concert. Suffice to say they were swamped.

Also, now that Cole knew Armaan was going to propose, he kept bothering Armaan constantly, discussing plans and making sure Armaan didn't chicken out at the last moment. The couple took a short honeymoon because they'd been away for the wedding and were already back home. They kept in constant touch with everyone and Armaan had been on the receiving end of a lot of unwanted and unnecessary advice. Nevertheless, he knew that Cole was speaking from a place of concern and so he generally entertained him.

Today, however he was in no mood to entertain him. It was evening and he had been working non stop all day which hadn't given him much time with Riddhima. When he was finally done with his duty and planned to spend sometime with Riddhima, he realized that she had left early. Why he had no idea, but when he had checked his phone, there was a message from her informing him that she was leaving early and asking him not to wait for her before she apologized to him and told him she loved him, raining down virtual kisses on him. He likedthat part of the message.

He was wondering where she was but she wasn't answering her phone or replying to his messgages. He got worried after a few tries and immediately asked Rahul and Atul to come help him. But, it was then that she texted him to let him know that she had been driving then and that she would call and tell him everything later.

Satisfied that she was okay, some of his stress relieved. But, he was still not sure as to why she wasn't telling him where she was. Rahul and Atul noticed this and to cheer him up, an impromptu boys night was arranged. They were all going to spend the night at Armaan's. It was perfect because there was a match that day and they could watch it without disturbance at his place.

So, they piled up in his car and went home. Armaan was thankful for his boys because they were going to such lengths to keep him occupied. He knew that if he didn't have company, he would go mad, imagining worst case scenarios which wouldn't help anyone. So, them being around and talking non stop about whether Barcelona or Chelsea was going to win the match tonight kept his mind occupied. He even asked Yuvi to join them post his duty to which Yuvi heartily agreed.

Riddhima, on the other hand, was not sure what she was doing here at this time. She rung the doorbell and an elderly lady opened the door.

"Kaun chahiye?" The lady asked, a little too rudely as she sized Riddhima up.

Before Riddhima could reply, she heard a familiar voice call out, "Kaun hai, Mom?" Sid came and stood beside the lady.

"Uh, Sid. Hi," Riddhima greeted him awkwardly.

"Dr. Riddhima?" Sid asked, confused. "Aap yaahaan?"

"Haan, woh... Abhi. Uh... yeh Abhi ka hi ghar hai na?" She confirmed. Sure, she'd been to Abhi's house before, but confirming never hurt.

"Haan, bhai ka hi hai. This is my mom," Sid introduced.

Riddhima nodded understandingly.

"Namaste, Aunty," she greeted.

Sid's mom greeted her back stiffly.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें