Chapter Eighty Seven

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Thankfully, Riddhima came back to her room after her date with Armaan with none the wiser as all the occupants in her room kept sleeping, not moving even a little as she changed into her pyjamas and went to bed herself.

Over the next couple of days, they explored Goa and did lots of touristy things. Not everyone was up for all the trips, especially it included so many educational stops and visits to heritage sites, but Nikki was excited because these were the places she could visit and have fun at, so they all sucked it up. She'd been really bummed about not being able to do the water sports or get a tattoo, plus she was so emotional with all those pregnancy hormones and no one wanted to cross her and get on her bad side. So, they kept quiet and did it all.

They went to the Goa State Museum, rich in history and beautiful in it's architecture, where Armaan learned how much of a history geek his Basket really was. She wanted to know the story behind every little exhibit they saw and the tour lasted much longer than it should have because of her questions. Armaan had a feeling they would've spent the entire day there had Anjali not reigned Riddhima in and reminded her that they had other places to visit and they were not going to stay in Goa for the rest of their lives, so they didn't have the time to accommodate her fancies. Riddhima pouted about it for some time as they breezed through the remaining exhibits but wisely kept her mouth shut. For being so good, he got her a bunch of daisies when they were done. That brought a smile to her face.

Her mood brightened further when they arrived at their next stop - the Chapora Fort. Apparently it had been a watch point for the Portuguese and was important for historical reasons. Armaan liked it because it overlooked beaches. They all clicked hundreds of thousands of pictures there (Armaan knew he was exaggerating, but they did click a lot of pictures!). They had group pictures and couple pictures and all the girls together and the boys together and everyone with everyone in duos & trios and whole lot of other posey pictures that he couldn't keep track of. He also has a sneaking suspicion that Abhi had clicked candids while everyone was posing for others. But, when time passed and they looked back, these pictures would be revive beautiful memories, that Armaan was sure of.

They visited the Dona Paula Jetty with it's amazing restaurants and beautiful sites. The couples separated there and enjoyed some alone time - roaming hand in hand and taking in the view, eating at intimate and aesthetic restaurants. It was a good break from the chaos of being in a huge group all the time, and everyone really appreciated it.

There was a stop at The Mangueshi Temple that was known for its brilliant architecture. The ambience at the temple was very calming and peaceful. It brought Riddhima serenity she didn't know she could feel. She'd prayed for a happy life with Armaan, and she felt that god had just granted her wish, which made her so very grateful that she couldn't put it in words. It felt like her entire world changed after that one visit. They also went to the famous Basilica of Bom Jesus and lit candles at the altar of God.

Then, they took a mini safari at the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. Nikki and Atul were in heaven during this particular excursion. They yapped on and on, talking about all sorts of animals they were excited to see, how amazing the whole thing was and just how happy they were to be there.

There was a trip to the Dudhsagar Falls, ensconced by forests everywhere, nature at its absolute finest. It was so very beautiful and gorgeous. The water felt amazing, surprisingly warm despite the cold winter air. They all played in the water there, having fun and frolicking around. Lots of pictures were clicked there too, not only of themselves, but also of the scenic beauty around them.

Of course, the trip couldn't be complete without a trip to Palolem. It was a secluded and quiet beach, which was a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of Vagator and Anjuna and Baga. And, there was dolphin watching! It was definitely the most favourite part of the entire trip for many of them.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें