Chapter Forty Eight

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The conversation with Armaan had left Rahul in high spirits and he had immediately gotten down to set forward a plan to win Muskaan back. Armaan and Atul, who were absolutely delighted at the prospect of having their friends back together agreed to help in anyway they could. The other boys were all there for Rahul as well, because they knew that Rahul really loved Muskaan and wanted to get her back.

They were all too aware of the unsuccessful attempts he'd made to win her back in the previous year at Ridzy's coaxing. But, 112 phone calls, 372 emails, 79 handwritten letters and 2 visits to India later, he had still been unable to even speak to Muskaan, let alone convince her to take him back.

Though everyone understood Muskaan's reasons to avoid him and knew her behavior was justified, they couldn't help but feel bad for their friend and curse Muskaan a little for not even listening to Rahul.

Now that Rahul had a chance of winning her back, everybody wanted in.

They decided it was better to let the girls know about it because they didn't want an angry girlfriend in their wake. But, mostly, they realized that they needed all the help they could get in tricking Muskaan to spend time with Rahul. And who better for that than Muskaan's girlfriends?

Yeah, Armaan needed to talk to Riddhima and soon. But that was difficult considering the fact that girls had been too wrapped up in themselves to actually notice that the guys were even there. And when Armaan had gone to see Riddhima like the lovesick puppy that he was, he had been shooed away saying that it was a Girls Only' day and no boys were allowed. Now, they'd all gone into town to pick up their dresses for the wedding. The dresses had all been choosen already, thanks to the gracious owner of the boutique L'Amour' who let the girls discuss and choose dresses via Skype calls. They only needed to do a fitting for any changes that may be needed before getting the dresses home.

Armaan knew all this because Riddhima had cancelled on him umpteen times for such Skype calls with Tessa. They'd literally planned the entire wedding on Skype.

Just like he always did, once Armaan started to think about Riddhima, nothing made him stop thinking about her. So, he lost himself in thoughts of Riddhima as the boys played on the Wii, trash talking each other and nursing beers.

His phone vibrating in his pocket bought him out of BasketLand. He was really pissed at whoever had interrupted his thoughts about Riddhima. He had been reliving their hot make out session from the day they'd gone to Moulin Rouge. The day Riddhima had declared to be ready for everything with him. The thought made him smile.

But, then he remembered about his phone and frowned again. The frown quickly turned into a huge grin as he saw that it was a text from Riddhima.

Dress fittings are LOOONNNGGG. I'm bored.' She'd texted.

Armaan chuckled.

- Shouldn't you be trying your dress on?

- Already did. Fits like a glove. Now I'm waiting on the others.

- That sounds boring.

- It is. I'd rather be with you.

- Now that, I'd like ;)

- You would too, wouldn't you?

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें