Chapter Forty One

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"Armaan?" Emma asked, looking surprised as well.

"Yes, who else?"

"It's so good to see you," she said, pulling him in for a hug.

"You too," Armaan replied, hugging her back. Spontaneously, he lifted her up, making her laugh.

"Put me down, you goof," she said, struggling to get down.

"Nah," Armaan replied, holding her tighter so she couldn't escape his hold.

"Armaan Mallik, I demand that you unhand me right now, young man," Emma said, trying to use her intimidating voice.

She failed, unsurprisingly.

"You should know that this voice doesn't affect me as much after all these months, Em," Armaan replied, finally putting her back on her feet.

"Thank you," she said, her voice oozing sarcasm.

"Oh! You're most welcome."

"How are you?" She asked him, looking a little worried and immensely concerned.

"I'm good, great, in fact."

She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"No, for real. I'm great. I'm really, really very happy right now."

Emma smiled at the honesty that was dripping from his voice.

"I take it you found her then."

"I sure did. But did you expect anything else put of me?" Armaan replied, his voice extremely cocky.

"You can let go off the fake cockiness, boy. We both know you were shit scared of leaving because you weren't sure of what was in ahead for you."

Armaan sighed. "Yeah, I wasn't. But now, I am. And I have you to thank for that."

"Me? Whatever for?"

"You're the one who believed in me, in us, even when I didn't. That's why."

"Oh, hush you. I didn't do anything apart from giving you a push in the right direction."

"Yes, you did. And you did more than that as well. So, thank you."

Emma just scoffed.

"Um, guys, not to break up the whole happy reunion hug fest, but I'm kinda feeling a little left out over here," Nate commented.

Armaan just stuck his tongue out as if he just remembered that Nate was here as well.

"Sorry, man. Come, let me introduce you guys. Nate, this is..."

"Dr. Emma Wright, I know. Anyone who wants to be something in psychiatry knows who she is, Ammy," Nate commented dryly.

He stuck his hand out towards Emma. "Nate Peters, an honor to meet you, ma'am."

Emma took his hand. "The pleasure is all mine."

Nate smiled and lifted her hand up, placing a kiss on the back of it.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें