Chapter Forty Two

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The next morning, Armaan and Riddhima helped Nate and Erica work on their presentation for the seminar. It was truly great and with a few suggestions here and there, everyone was confident that it would be superb.

They had a delicious breakfast at the bakery of the hotel, opting to eat cakes and pastires instead of the assorted buffet the hotel provided to all their residents.

"Still a sweet tooth, I see," Emma commented as she made her way into the bakery, looking at Armaan.

Armaan smiled. "Still eating chocolates after breakfast, I see," he replied cheekily.

Emma shrugged.

"You guys mind if I join you?" She asked after she had placed her order.

"No... not at all," Armaan replied, smirking at the tongue tied Erica and surprised Nate.

"You remember Nate from last night, don't you?" Arman asked.

"Of course," Emma smiled. "Good morning, Nate."

"Morning, Dr. Wright," Nate replied, fumbling.

Emma laughed. "Oh! None of the Dr. Wright crap, please. You're Armaan's friend. No formalities."

"Of course," Nate replied bashfully.

"Hello. I believe we haven't met. I'm Emma Wright," Emma said to Erica, holding her hand out.

"Hello, Dr. Wright. I'm Erica, pleased to meet you," she replied, taking it.

They ate breakfast (dessert, really), talking and laughing. Nate and Erica were outrageously surprised by the fact that Dr. Wright - It's Emma, Nate can hear her chiding him in his head- was so humble and down to earth. She was sitting there, right in front of them, enjoying her chocolate pudding, talking to Riddhima and laughing with her, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Like she fit there. Maybe she did.

Post breakfast, they retired to their rooms and got ready for the first day of presentations.

"Basket! Basket!" Armaan called out.

"Ammy, can you please keep it down?" Nate asked, exasperated.

"Well, can you tie this tie?" Armaan replied.

"Of course, I can! What sort of question is that?" Nate said, indignant.

"Do it then," Armaan said, passing Nate his tie.

"I got it, baby!" Nate crowed as he started tying the tie.

Sometime later...

"Uhhh... Nate! Stop! You're choking me!" Armaan wheezed.

"Shit! Sorry, man!" Nate immediately removed his hands from Armaan's neck.

"I asked you to help me tie my tie, not kill me!" Armaan burst out. And then, started coughing loudly.

"Sorry! Sorry, man!" Nate replied, rushing to the kitchen and getting him a glass of water.

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