Chapter Sixty Three

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Riddhima smiled as she felt Armaan's gaze on her while she moved. He was so cute! Really.

She didn't like the fact that she wasn't near him at all times, especially with so many girls eyeing him like a piece of meat, but she knew that Armaan would never do anything to break the trust she'd placed in him and their relationship. He loved her. Only her. None of these girls mattered.

Rahul smiled at her when she joined the group.

"Hey! He greeted.

"Hey, she replied, smiling at him.

"Good conversation? He asked, gesturing to the bar. He'd observed Armaan and Riddhima talk. They looked so happy just to share those few moments together and immediately, Rahul had felt guilty for keeping them apart for the night. But, he knew that more than anything else, Armaan & Riddhima were the two greatest friends he'd had and they genuinely wanted to help him sort his issues out with Muskaan. So, he'd resolved to talk to her tonight, no matter what.

And, he was going to get the couple a very nice gift as a thank you for all they'd done for him since they'd come back, especially Armaan.

Yes, he'd made up with Armaan and somewhere, he knew he'd been justified in his anger towards his best friend for treating Riddhima the way he had, but Rahul still felt wretched for the being so cold towards Armaan the first few days after he'd gotten to Mumbai.

Armaan had understood his reasons for doing so and he'd forgiven Rahul for being so rude, but at times, the guilt he felt for those few days overwhelmed him. Armaan had repeatedly told Rahul to forget about what had happened and move on - they were best friends after all, and it wasn't like they'd never fought before that - but it still weighed on his mind. Heavily at times. So, yes. He needed to do something big for them. As a thank you and apology present.

"Yep, Riddhima replied, blushing a little, pulling Rahul out of his thoughts.

"Awww. Tu blush kar rahi hai, he teased.

"Shut up, Rahul! She warned, smacking him.

"What? He asked. "I'm just saying. Waise, tum dono saath mein bade cute lagte ho.

"Rahul, please! No more teasing, she ordered.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! He replied. "I was just saying.

"Don't, she replied sternly.

"Fine, Rahul agreed.

"Um, Rahul, Disha started, hesitantly. "Are you sure you're okay with her spending time with Armaan?

"Excuse me? Riddhima snapped, looking angry. "Why does it matter what Rahul thinks? She asked.

"Look, Riddhima, Disha pacified, "don't take this the wrong way. Main yeh nahi kehna chaahti ki Rahul tumhe kisi bhi tarah control kar raha hai. It's just ki, tumhe nahi pata ki Armaan kaisa ladka hai. And, main nahi chaahti ki woh tumhe hurt kare.

Riddhima tried to smile at Disha's words, but it came off as a grimace. She liked that Disha was being so thoughtful for her, even though they'd met only hours ago, but still, hearing someone say something bad about Armaan made her blood boil. She very well knew what kind a boy' Armaan was. The very best. Still, she didn't want to create a scene here, so she replied to Disha, "Don't worry. I'm a big girl. Itna toh khud handle kar hi sakti hu. But, I appreciate the sentiment.

Rahul squeezed Riddhima's hand as a show of thanks. He knew Riddhima didn't like it when someone thought ill of Armaan. He was sure it stemmed from the fact that all of them, including her, had believed the worst of him after the shootout. Finding out that Armaan hadn't been the deadbeat they thought him to be, had been a huge shock to Riddhima, mostly because she couldn't believe that she hadn't questioned the truth in her father's story and blindly agreed to whatever he said.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें