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For the curious minds, Abhin & Nibha are named by mashing Abhi & Nikki's names together. Similarly, Ridhaan and Ardhima come from Armaan & Riddhima. Omi is named after Atul's dad. Mannat is named so because she was the answer to all of Rahul & Muskaan's prayers. 

Of all the gangs' kids, only Ardhima is a doctor. Abhin works in finance. Nibha is a choreographer. Ridhaan is a writer. Omi & Mannat are still studying, but Omi has plans to become a scientist while Mannat is gearing up to participate in Miss India.

Ridhaan met Chahat on the first day of college and was instantly smitten. They've only been dating for a few months because it took Chahat a while to like Ridhaan back, but they're very serious. The gang has a betting pool on how long it'll take for Ridhaan to propose.

Nibha has a steady boyfriend, Aashay, who she met when he signed up for her dance class.

None of the other kids are dating.

Navneeta is married to Dhruv. They began dating when Navneeta started working at Sanjeevani and have been married for a few years. Navneeta is now the reporting doctor for the interns and Ardhima reports to her. 

It took Meera and Ishaan a year to confess to each other after Armaan & Riddhima's wedding. In the end, it was Meera who said it first over cup of coffee because Ishaan made some silly joke and she was so besotted, she ended up blurting it out without meaning to. Of course, Armaan & Riddhima were the first people they told. They got married only a few months later in a grand wedding in Delhi.

Rahul popped the question to Muskaan exactly 3 months after Armaan & Riddhima came back from their honeymoon. It was a huge production involving all their friends and Abhin & Nibha. It took a while for them to get married because their parents took almost a year to plan the wedding. They ended up eloping a few months in, registering their marriage in court with Armaan & Riddhima as their witnesses. They still had the big wedding to appease their parents, mostly because everyone thought they were lying again when they announced their marriage.

The first time Atul proposed to Anjali, she ended up inadvertently rejecting him because she wasn't ready for marriage. Atul assured her that they could have a long engagement. She agreed to that and wore Atul's ring for two years before she popped the question herself. They were married in a week after that. For their wedding present, Billy & Ananya gifted them a house. Atul had tried hard to say no, but Armaan talked him into accepting it.

Billy & Ananya moved to Mumbai after Ridhaan was born. They now live with Armaan & Riddhima. Somehow, they've become even closer with Shashank & Padma in this time. Billy & Shashank play tennis every morning on the weekdays and golf on the weekend. Ananya & Padma have a book club. The four of them are part of those high society, posh clubs and go there only to brag about their kids.

The four of them have adopted all the kids in the gang and spoil them all rotten. Billy is obviously, the reigning favourite among all of them, a title he takes immense pride in.

Armaan & Riddhima adopted Ardhima when she was barely two days old. A patient who Riddhima had operated on didn't make it and her family hadn't wanted the responsibility of the child, so Armaan & Riddhima brought her home. Ridhaan wasn't even a year old when it happened.

Rahul & Muskaan opted for IVF given Rahul's condition. It took them 3 tries and 4 years to finally get it right.

Anjali had a difficult pregnancy. 3 months in, she was advised complete bed rest. There were a lot of complications and everyday, Atul & her were afraid that something would happen. Omi was a premie. After the scare with him, they both decided to not have any more kids.

Shashank, Keerti, and Shubhankar are now retired. Anjali is the new dean of Sanjeevani. Armaan is her right hand. Abhi is only involved in the board and has semi-retired. All other members of the gang are the heads of their respective departments.

Armaan did stay at home when the kids were born and stayed home till they both turned 8. In that time, he constantly babysat all the kids, which is why he is their favourite. They always turn to him when they want something, knowing he'll be the easiest to convince.

Armaan & Riddhima are still madly in love and still the ones who indulge in PDA in front of everyone. Their kids have become immune to it at this point and just tease them for being so clingy like the rest of the gang.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें