Chapter Twenty Six

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Riddhima hurried towards Rahul's room. Finally, after a lot of pleading and pouting and guilt - tripping, she was allowed to come visit him. And Armaan. Of course. She really wanted to see Armaan.

Riddhima had never thought that she would be one of those girls. You know, the ones you classify as clingy? Those who couldn't go without seeing their boyfriends for a few hours? Who completely obsessed over them? Thought about their men all the time?

But, then, she hadn't ever thought she'd have a boyfriend!

All of that changed when Armaan came into her life. With his caring and loving nature, his attitude, his pranks, his love, his eyes and his smile and everything else that was soArmaan, she didn't stand a chance. She didn't have a choice. Because falling in love with Armaan was not a choice. It was not an option. It was a necessity. It was air. And it was water. It was fate and destiny.

She smiled as she thought about that idiot boyfriend of hers. He was just so endearing and adorable. Others often used the words hot and sexy and handsome and dashing to describe him, but to Riddhima, he was just cute and adorable. Not that he wasn't hot or sexy, because, by God, was that man sexy? With a body like his, those biceps and those abs, he was one of the sexiest men Riddhima had come across.

But, it wasn't those qualities that had attracted her to him in the first place - okay, maybe a little. But, he was sexy! It wasn't her fault. However, she was attracted to him because of his sweet and loving and caring nature. The way he behaved like a kid most of the time. How he went out of the way to express himself to her. All his stupid antics. That was what she loved about him. Not just his body or his physique or his face. Even though they certainly worked in his favour.

She sighed thinking about him. As much as she loved him, at the moment, she really didn't like him much. The reason for that was simple. She couldn't find him anywhere.

She had come in early this morning, hoping to spend sometime with him before going to see Rahul. But, the man was nowhere to be found.

He wasn't in the cafeteria or the locker room. He wasn't at the fire escape. He wasn't with any of his patients. None of the staff knew about his whereabouts and he wasn't answering his phone.

So, it was safe to say that she was pissed at him. She was going to see Rahul, hoping he would know something about Armaan.

Maybe, Armaan had taken the opportunity to talk things out with Rahul. That was a somewhat disturbing thought, if things had not gone well, that is. This stand - off between the two boys in her life was taxing for her. It hadn't even been that long since Rahul had returned, yet his bitterness was a sore spot for Riddhima.

She understood his perspective. Of course she did. Rahul had been her one rock in the past few months and he had seen her at her worst. He had seen her in pain. He had seen her helpless. He has had seen her with no desire to live. So, she understood his reluctance to forgive Armaan.

But, she wanted him to try. For her. For Armaan. For himself. After their initial coldness - male ego thing, whatever it was - had been put to rest, the two of them had been the best of friends. Rahul had supported their relationship and Armaan had always been there for Rahul when he needed a friend.

Their friendship had been beautiful. The bond they shared, their camaraderie - it had been amazing. Riddhima had always been thankful for Rahul because he helped keep Armaan grounded. He had helped Armaan get out of plenty of adverse situations. Armaan, for his part, had been Rahul's so called Love Guru' and helped him pursue Muskaan. They had always had each others backs. Their kind of friendship was hard to come by these days.

I'll Love You Longer Than Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें