36. The one with a piece of paper

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"Alright, here is your lunch box," Pepper handed down the yellow box with a sun on the front that Elli got to pick out at the store. "You have your homework in your bag?"

"Yep," Elli spoke through the gap in her teeth where your front teeth were missing. She got two dollars for that. Her backpack had the same design as the lunchbox. And inside it sat one single sparkly pink folder that held her homework on fractions. "Pepper, after school, can we go get ice cream?"

"Maybe," Pepper smiled as she placed her bag over her shoulder. Reaching her hand down, Elli took it as they walked towards the elevator. "I think we might be having a full family dinner tonight, so it might have to wait till after."

"Everyone's coming home!" Elli's face lit up as she pressed the button for them to go down. 

"Yes," Pepper was just as excited. "I know it's been a week, but they miss you so dearly they want to come home and spend time with you."

"Can we make pasta then?" Elli wondered. "I can help too, I know how to chop things up."

"You do," Pepper proudly said. "I think we can. I'll ask my assistant to pick up the stuff today to make it. Anything else you would like for this special dinner?"

Elli hummed as she tapped her chin. "Pie."

"Pie," Pepper laughed as the doors opened up, the two of them walking through the loby. "What kind?"

"Apple," Elli grinned. 


"We are going to figure it out," George spoke to himself more than Elli. They two were walking back from lunch to their common room.

Elli wasn't particularly a fan at how crazy people were going over this thing. No one even seemed to care anymore that Quidditch would not go on this year. Which, if this happened last year, Oliver would have lost his mind. 

"Honesty you have a better chance with wrestling a troll than that stupid tournament," Elli said as the two walked into the common room. She heard George gasp beside her.

"How could you not want to compete!" The two had gained a couple of looks because of George's outburst.

"What's he going on about?" Ron asked as Elli sat between him and Harry.

"Elli here thinks the Triwizard tournament is stupid," George said standing behind them.

"It's because she knows she'll win," Ron chuckled as she plopped down in the seat next to him.

"No," Elli rolled her eyes. "It's because I don't care to have eternal glory or any of that nonsense."

"Yeah, that's because you have all that," Ginny mumbled from the other couch where she sat next to Hermione.

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