49. The one with the old and the new

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"How are we supposed to keep watch -" Tonks stopped herself for anything anymore when she took into a count who was sitting in the kitchen.  "Oh, hello." 

"What are you keeping watch off?" Ron asks curiously.

"That is none of your concern" Molly scolds him stirring her pot of soup.

"I can help if you want," Elli looked over at the adults at the end of the table. 

"You can't help Elli," Lupin told her. "You're not of age yet"

"You don't need to be of age to help," Elli stood up from her seat as she walked out of the room.

"Where is she going?" Sirius looked around, silently asking if this was a situation in which he was supposed to do parenting stuff.

It was a couple minutes before Elli came down into the kitchen, holding several things in her arms. She took her seat again in between George and Ron.

"What's that?" George poked as the mettle box.

"Don't touch it," Elli slapped his hands away as she opened up her laptop and started to type away. 

"I think this is the point where you share with that class what your doing," Sirius told her as he tried to get a look at what was going on. But all he saw were several numbers popping up on the funny screen. 

"I'm hacking," Elli mumbled under her breath.

Remus sent Sirius a look.

"Sweetheart," Sirius furrowed his brows. "Why are you hacking?"

"Because I need access to something on the server back at the facility," Elli kept her eyes on the screen. 

It was like a little mini war she was having with how concentrated she looked. This was no easy task either, as she was currently hacking into Tony's technology. And he's the one that taught her to hack, so he definitely left out a part or two.

FRIDAY, was having none of it and tried to keep kicking Elli out of the system. But people should have learned by now, not to mess with someone as determined as Elli.

"I got it!" Elli cheered as she finally got in.

"Got what?" Ron pressed his face closer to the screen.

"The program I need," Elli shoved his face away. She reached forward and took out the small camera from the box before positioning down at the end of the table. She typed in some more things before an image of Arthur popped up on the screen. "And my work here is done."

"Why is dad on your funny little box?" George looked between his father and the laptop. 

"It's a camera," Elli turned the laptop so the people at the end could see.

"I am on there," Arthur leaned forward before he waved his hand. "Oh look I waving!"

"This is a camera," Elli pointed to the device. "And this laptop now can give you full access to view it. You can place the camera where ever you want and not have to be there to risk your life."

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