59. The one with the outbursts

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Juggling a whole batch of new students proved to be harder than Elli had originally ever thought. The good news was that they knew magic and were doing very well, the bad news was that she felt like a cruise director bringing everyone to their classes.

Escpailly in a time where she didn't want to be around any people at all.

She could never seem to just get one moment alone with her thoughts because someone always seemed to be right there with a question. Elli didn't want to answer any more questions or do homework, she want to go hang out with her boyfriend, maybe go flying on her broomstick again.

By the time Wednesday rolled around on their first week, Elli was ready to have a ditch day and not show up to class. Seeing however that the class she wanted to ditch was Umbridge's, there wasn't a possibility of that happening.

Elli sat with Emma at one of the tables, the two girls laughing as the Patil twins enchanted a paper bird to fly around the classroom. It was quite fun to watch everyone try and hit it out of the air. But the little bird kept on flying over their heads, before something causes it to light on fire and crumbled down in ashes to the Patil's desk.

"Good morning children," Everyone turned around to see Umbridge standing there.

Elli didn't know if she was going to last the first class without trying to punch that fake smile off her toad face.

Umbridge's pink heels clicked against the floor as she walked towards the front of the room, raising her wand to the chalkboard to write something out on it. "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. O-W-L's. More commonly known as OWL's. Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

Emma and Elli shared a look of annoyance. The last time any one of these students had been talked down to in such a manner, was when they were children.

Umbridge waved her wand again as a stack of books came floating off her desk, being passed out to each student. "Your previous instruction in the subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you will be please to know from now on, you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry Approved course of defensive magic.

Elli flipped the cover open on, Dark Arts Defence: A Guide for Beginners. This must have been a joke, no way this book was going to teach them anything.

Hermione's hand shot up in the air. "Yes."

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells," Hermione noted.

"Using spells?" Umbridge looked appalled by the idea. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asked.

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way," Umbridge explained.

"What about outside of the classroom?" Elli inquired.

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