58. The one with the jealous boy

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Elli rocked back and forth on the swing set. She didn't know if she liked kindergarten, especially with all these other children running around. She had never been around so many children in her life, and it was quite terrifying. 

She didn't know how to act, what to do, or even the strange games they were playing with the round bouncy ball. But it seemed to be popular, everyone was wanting to play it. There were four people who stood in a square, passing the ball back and forth between each other. 

Elli contemplated joining it, but she liked the swings. They were fun.

A bigger boy from an older year came walking up to her with two of his buddies. "You're in my seat."

Elli looked over to the many other open swings. "Well, there's some over there you can use."

"I want this one," The boy seemed very admit about using the swing she was on.

"No," Elli rocked back and forth. "I quite like this one."

"You hear that boys, the girl doesn't seem to pay attention to rules," The boy stepped forward, shoving Elli so hard on the back she went tumbling off of the swing she was on. 

Her body rolled onto the hardwood chips before she reached her hand down to stop herself. Alright, now she was very mad. "Töte diejenigen, die versuchen dich zu töten."

"Are you a weirdo?" The boy said. "Only weirdos don't speak English."

Elli was ready to jump at him, to kill him. To attack him as her very nature told her to do. She could snap his neck, strangle him, there were so many ways in which her mind was already plotting it out.


Elli's eye blinked a couple of times as the dark thoughts started to vanish. Looking over, she saw the blonde girl with pigtails she had been coloring with earlier, with another boy by her side.

"Leave her alone," Emma confidently looked up at the older boy. 

"You going to make me?" The boy laughed. "What are you-"

Emma kicked the boy in his shin causing him to cry out in pain as he hopped on one foot.

"Run, before I kick you somewhere higher," Emma threatened him.

The boy backed away before running across the playground, the other two boys following after him.

The boy that was with Emma reached his hand out for Elli. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah," Elli nodded her head as she took his hand and got pulled up. "Um, thank you."

"It's no problem," Emma smiled at her. "It wasn't nice of him to pick on you like that."

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