7. The one with week one

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The first week of school had been going amazing for Elli. She still couldn't figure out which one was Fred, and which one was George, but that didn't matter because the only Weasley to worry about was Percy. It was like he was everywhere! Now today was going to be a fun class. It was the day she would get to learn how to fly a broom, something Elli was more than willing to try out. She was walking with Ron and Harry to the quidditch pitch just enjoying life. 

"So I was just minding my own business when my mum-" Ron's tragic story got cut off by Hermione.

"Elli! Come stand with me," She ran up to her and took her hand. 

"By boys!" Elli laughed a bit at their shocked faces with a wave. 

Elli ended up standing with Ron on her left and Hermione on her right with a broom on her right side as well. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement just waiting for it all to begin.

"All right class raises your right hand over your broom," The kids did as told. Not wanting to get in trouble by the lady with yellow eyes. "Now say, Up!"

"Up!" Harry's broom flew right to his hand on the first try and Elli smiled over at her new friend. After three times she finally got it. All of a sudden Ron's broom flew straight into his face and Elli and Harry burst into fits of giggles.

"Oh shut up you guys," Ron rubbed his hand over his hurt nose.

"All right now that everyone has got it, put your right leg over your broom. Hold the top nice firm grip. That's it, everyone, now when I blow my whistle you will go up very slightly and come back down." Madam Hooch put her whistle to her lips. "On my mark three... Two... On-"

Neville yelp as his broom started to move upwards, the panic written on his face made it clear that he wasn't doing this willingly.

"Mister Long-, Mister Longbottom!" And in a moment of stupidity mix in with her quick problem solving skills expertise, Elli shot straight up after him. "Miss Rose!" Madam Hooch hollered at the girl, not appreciating it so much that she now had two students flying in the air and not following the rules.

Elli leaned forward as she charged forward after Neville and his mishap broom. Just as Neville's broom flew out from under him and was about to drop to almost certain death, Elli reached down and caught him right by the back of his shirt.

"I got you, Neville," Elli took deep breaths as she tried to calm the frightened boy. No matter how strong she was, Neville was just too much for her little arms to carry. So about six feet from the ground she had to drop him. She flew down to all the other students- excepted the Slytherin's of course- came rushing to her with excitement. Elli giving them a weak smile as she rubbed her sore arm.

"Miss Rose!" Everyone stopped congratulating her when Hooch called her name. The students shuffling out of the way from blocking Elli from their teacher. "Come with me. While I'm gone, if anyone tries to pull a stunt like that again, you will be expelled faster than you can say quidditch." Elli walked over to her and Neville fearing the worse. She kept her head hung low while walking with to the Hospital wing. Once Madame Hooch had gotten Neville set up in a bed, she made her way over to Elli a bit surprised by her sad look. "Why are you looking so down my dear?"

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