25. The one with a trap

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Finally, something to put a smile on Elli's face. The Hogsmeade visit. She was trying to put on a good show for people, but they kept staring like they should apologize or something. But now Elli had something to put her mind at ease.

"Here you go," Elli handed over her signed permission slip to McGonagall. 

Her professor's face dropped as she looked from the paper to Elli. "My child, didn't Professor Dumbledore tell you?" She asked and Elli shook her head in worry. "I'm sorry, but for safety purposes, I can not let you come."

"What?!" Elli raised her voice in shock. "But I'm fine! And I have my parent's signature saying it's okay for me to go."

"That is a discussion to have with the headmaster himself," McGonagall straightened up before walking to the other students waiting.

Elli quickly stormed away, as she gripped her hands tightly. She could feel her body heating up, as she pushed past people left and right, storming her way through the castle to get to the headmaster's office. 

"Bubble gum!" She yelled loudly and watched as the statue shifted. Elli marched up the steps and into his office. "Look I don't know what the-" She cut herself off as she saw Snape and Dumbledore having a conversation.

"No manners," Snape mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your life problems of having no friends. But I need to talk to Dumbledore." Elli told him as she narrowed her eyes. Snape looked like he was about to tell her off when Dumbledore interrupted.

"Well you heard her Severus," Dumbledore smiled as happily as ever looking over to the potions professor. "I'm sorry our meeting has been cut short, however, I have a feeling Miss Rose here will not leave until she gets her answers."

"Very well," Snape turned on his heels, the door slamming shut behind him as he left. 

"Now I presume this is about the Hogsmeade visit?" Dumbledore gestured for her to take the seat on the other side of his desk, as he sat in his chair. 

"Yes," Elli plopped down in the chair, looking very annoyed. "Why am I not allowed to go?"

"I thought it would be obvious, with you being an Avenger and all," He kept that same smile on his face as he shocked Elli with the news. 

"How did you-" She started but he cut her off.

"Know?" She nodded at his question. "Well, as far as I know, you're the only person with the ability of fire to come out of you. Also with your parents being thee Avengers, it wasn't hard to put two and two together. Now, I prioritize your safety, Elli. After last year, I would like to make sure you can get through the whole year. There are many bad people out there, wanting you dead." Elli noticed how he said many, it was like he knew one personally. "Now, we may have a discussion about this next year, but until then you are to say at Hogwarts. Is that clear?"

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