26. The one with the Fat Lady

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"Honeydukes sweet shop is amazing!" Ron explained to Harry and Elli once they got back. "But nothing beats Zonko's Joke shop. We never did get a chance to go to the shrieking shack though, you heard its-"

"The most haunted building in Britain." Harry cut in.

"We know," Elli took a bite of the licorice wand Hermione had given her. They tried walking up the stairs, however, the route to the Gryffindor common room was backed up.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Probably Neville's forgotten the password again," Ron said and Elli nodded in agreement.

"Hey!" They turned around to see Neville.

"Oh hey!" Ron smiled as if he didn't just blame this back up on him.

"Good job Neville, never doubted you for a minute," Elli smiled taking another bite of her candy.

"Let me through I'm head boy!" They heard Percy yell and push his way to the front. Elli rolled her eyes, it was probably another one of the twin's pranks "No one is to enter this dormitory, till it's been fully searched."

Ginny rushed down the stairs towards them, a frantic look on her face. "The Fat Lady, she's gone!"

The four pushed forward, as they got closer Elli's eyes widened and she dropped her candy from her mouth. The Fat Lady was in fact missing, and her painting had claw marks carved into it, causing the canvas to peel.

"Damn, who let wolverine into the school?" She asked as she stood in-between the twins. They heard the other paintings going crazy. Then Dumbledore came up the stairs pushing through them and Elli stood to the right with George. Filch was with him was following after him, looking all around while Dumbledore focused on what was in front of him.

"Mr. Filch," Dumbledore moved his hand over one of the torn flaps. "Gather the ghosts, tell them to search every painting in the castle, to find The Fat Lady."

"There's no need professor," Filch had his back turned to the professor. Slowly, he raised his finger to point up. "The Fat Lady is there."

Everyone took a mad dash to the next painting that Filch had pointed at to see for themselves. Elli was proud to say she 'accidentally' pushed Percy over to get there. 

The other paintings moved through the portraits, and they heard the one with the baby let out a whale of a cry.

They crowded around a picture of an African landscape, Elli stood next to Dumbledore with Harry on her other side.

"Dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked in concern as she moved from behind a hippopotamus. 

She did not look okay what so ever, she had completely changed her look, and she looked absolutely traumatized by something.

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