73. The one with the Christmas special Part 1

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There was a certain magic to Christmas in Elli's eyes. Not just because of the white snow, the big dressed up and decorated trees, or even the gifts. Christmas had always been Elli's favorite holiday as a child, because it was the first one she had ever celebrated when she was free. It had been the first of many holidays she had been introduced to, and she would never forget the joy she had in learning about it. 

However, that didn't mean she wanted to be woken up right as the sun was coming back up to greet them into another day. 

"Wake up!" Someone yelled as they bounced up and down on Elli's bed. "Come on Elli, it's Christmas!"

Elli peeled her eyes to see her father, the other version, jumping on her bed like a little kid.

"Someone's happy," Elli yawned, stretching her arms out.

"How can you not be?!" Sirius flopped down, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Do you know what day it is?!"

"I'm going to take a wild guess, and say Christmas?" Elli sat up, her eyes still barely open.

"You're always so smart," Sirius tapped her nose.

"Thanks," Elli gave a lazy smile.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" They both looked over to see young Sirius running in the hall, he came to a skidding halt when he saw the two. "Come on! We are supposed to be decorating mothers painting!"

"How could I forget!" Old Sirius grinned, pushing himself up before he raced out of Elli's room with the boy. The two laughed merrily all the way to their mother's painting. They decided as presents to themselves, they would make their mother's painting the most festive thing you could ever see. She was going to hate it. 

Elli could hear Kreacher crying out for his poor mistress, while the Sirius's told him to piss off. 

The familiar sound of a crack made Elli look over to the side.

"Happy Christmas George," Elli smiled to her boyfriend who looked half sleep, just like her.

"I would be a lot more jolly about it if your father didn't wake me up at seven in the morning," George fell down on the bed next to Elli.

"They do seem to be a bit happier today," Elli brushed her fingers through his messy hair.

"It's like they've never had a proper Christmas," George mumbled into the sheets.

"From what I've heard, they haven't," Elli told him sadly.

"What do you mean?" George rolled over, so that his head was now resting in Elli's lap.

"Well my dad, Sirius, it's his first real Christmas with me since I have been one. And for young Sirius, well let's just say this is probably the first Christmas anyone has celebrated in this house," Elli explained to him.

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