5. The one with new friends

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"What even is a platform 9 3/4?" Tony questioned as they all walked Elli to the Hogwarts express

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"What even is a platform 9 3/4?" Tony questioned as they all walked Elli to the Hogwarts express. Thor was pushing her trolly with Elli sitting on top of her trunk. "Elli I'm starting to think-"

"Look!" Elli pointed to a black hair boy running into a wall who she just watched run through like... like magic. She jumped off the trolly and ran towards the ginger haired plump woman who was talking to two ginger haired kids. "Excuse me miss?"

"Oh hello," The woman smiled as she looked down at Elli.

"Is that how you get to platform 9 3/4?" Elli pointed to the wall, her parents hurrying to catch.

"Why yes dear, is it your first year?" The women asked and Elli nodded. "Don't worry it's Ron's first year as well." She pointed to the young boy who gave her a sky smile. "All you have to do is run straight through platforms 9 and 10."

"I'm sorry she does what?" Tony came and put his arm on his daughter's shoulder and looked wide-eyed.

"Muggles I assume?" She gave them a smile.

"A what?" Steve asked.

"Muggles, non magic people," They all simply nodded their heads. "Now you won't be able to get onto the platform, but I can make sure she gets settled in alright if you want?"


Elli's POV

After ten min of bone crushing hugs, I love you's, be safe, Bucky and Sam crying, and being reminded to take my medication. I finally ran through to the platform. I put my stuff with the others and walked back to the woman who said her name was Molly Weasley. Mrs. Weasley gave her, and get this, four boys hugs and kisses on top of their heads. And Ron told me they have two older brothers as well, that must of been fun growing up with a lot of other kids.

I had two siblings myself, but I rarely got to see them as I was mainly in New York, while Clint and Laura raised them on a farm.

I thanked Ms. Weasley as Ron and I started to walk to the train we heard her yell at the Twins, Fred and George, to not blow up a toilet. Ron started laughing at this and said she probably just gave them an idea.

As we got on the train we noticed all the compartments were full, so we decided to go into the compartment with the boy I noticed earlier who had the black hair.

"Do you made if we sit here all the others are full?" Ron asked the boy who turned around and I saw a pair of broken glasses on his face.

"Not at all," The boy smiled back at us.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley," Ron sat down across from him.

"Elli Rose," I gave him a large smile as I settled in next to Ron.

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