64. The one with the quidditch game

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"Come on Ron," Elli shoved a plate of food across the table. "You need to eat."

"I don't feel like it..." Ron's face was practically green, the food didn't seem appetizing at all.

"How are you supposed to play if you have no energy?" Elli asked.

 It was the first game for the Gryffindors, and they were up against Slytherin. Ron had got Woods's old spot as Keeper. Angelina had decided to go to McGonagall, who went straight to Dumbledore when and got the Gryffindors back in the game. Which was a great relief to everyone in the house. 

"I'm not hungry," Ron mumbled.

"What?" Emma was rather confused by the red head sitting across from her. "I literally haven't seen you without food in your mouth, since I meet you."

"Yah well... things change," Ron told the two girls.

"Ronald Billius Weasley, if you don't eat some food right now..." Elli tried to think of something threatening while mimicking the look her parents often gave her. 

"How do you know my middle name?" Ron was a bit frightened by her knowledge. 

"Your mother," There it was, just the right leverage for Elli. "And if you don't eat right now, I will contact your mom-"

"Stop!" Ron waved his hands about and picked up some toast. "That's enough to get me to eat."

"Is his mother that scary?" Emma asked.

"No, his mom is lovely. She's just the queen of the mother community," Elli told her. "Lovely women... but terrifying if you get on her bad side."

"I'll keep that in mind," Emma nodded her head. 


"So, what's this again?"  Elli picked up the paper hand.

"A turkey," Pepper very enthusiastically picked up her own. 

"It's not a turkey, it's a hand," Elli was quite worried something was wrong with Pepper, because she should have known the difference between a piece of paper and an animal. 

"I know that silly," Pepper taped her paper hand on Elli's head. "It's arts and crafts. We make them for thanksgiving."

"I don't know what that is," Elli admitted.

"Oh, I see," Pepper said. "Well, it's not a particularly great holiday. I mean, none of them really have great origins in history, and well, this one is pretty dark the more I think of it... But you know, we celebrate it in America. It's a holiday."

"Like, Christmas?" Elli knew that one.

"Yeah, but there are no presents," Pepper told her. "This holiday is about being with family, and friends, and eating a big meal. One that we will be ordering in because this year, everyone has been super busy."

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