33. The one with the Quidditch World Cup

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"Hey, Dad!" Ron called out for the man who was far ahead of them on a morning walk before the sun had even come up over the horizon. "Where are we going?!"

"Haven't the foggiest!" Mr. Weasley called back to him, cheeriness in his voice. "Keep up!"

"I'm so tired," Ron let out a long yawn.

"You're tired?" Elli was really trying her hardest to keep her eyes open. "I'm still on American time, it's close to midnight back home."

The walk was so long, Elli was convinced it was never going to end. That they were never going to get to this random place on the massive hills that Mr. Weasley was bringing them to. So, somewhere along the way she had convinced George to give her a piggyback ride. It actually didn't take her much convincing after a simple, please. 

George walked with her on his back through the flat parts of the hill, only putting her back down 

"Arthur!" Elli heard someone yell and looked to see an odd man about Mr. Weasley's age with a hat and glasses. These wizards really didn't know how to blend in well with muggle clothes. Elli had to convince the Weasley's that cat sweaters were not things that muggles wore. "It's about time son."

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley looked back over to Ron and Harry who were in the back of their little group. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry." Then someone dropped down out of the tree next to them. Landing perfectly next to Amos with a dazzling smile on his face that made Elli look like a weirdo at how intently she was staring at him. "And this strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes, sir," Cedric shook the man's hand. 

"This way, kids," Amos gestured to the top of the hill.

 Cedric stayed behind a bit, falling into step with Elli. "You're Elli, right? I've seen you around school. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Thanks," Elli felt heat flushed her face on her face. She was blushing, something that rarely happened. "I-It's nice to mee you as well."

"The pleasure is all mine, with your talent and all." Cedric's eyes widened a bit as Elli raised an eyebrow. "I-I mean Quidditch, but the other thing is cool as well."

"Well thank you, and your not a bad Quidditch player yourself," Elli remembered a couple of games that they had played against each other. A hand was thrown around her arm, causing her to jump a bit.

"Our Elli here is just being modest," George's eyes looked over Elli's head sending Cedric a glance that she could not see. 

"Yeah, she's saved the world, and got an O in Potions!" Fred walked next to his twin, clearly missing the look as well. "Who does that?" 

Elli shook her head at the two boys, giggling a bit as they reached the top of the hill.

"Yes, it's just over there," Amos signaled them to come closer. He was standing over a dirty old boot. 

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