35. The one with the Goblet of Fire

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"You know," Elli said to Professor McGonagall as the two walked the castle to the great hall. "It's not my fault I didn't make the train."

Elli was on bed rest for three days following the battle. She had a black cast on that prevented movement in her left arm. It went all the way up to her armpit and itched all the time. She had missed the train due to the fact she had just gotten out of the hospital this morning. Tony didn't care though and flew the jet all the way to Hogwarts. It was a funny scene when he landed and couldn't see the school. It was even funnier when Filch came out screaming like an old man when a kid steps a foot on his lawn.

"Well, most students don't get hospitalized for running around trying to save the world," McGonagall huffed as they reached the doors.

"I didn't try! I did!" Elli put her one arm up for emphasis.

"Very well," McGonagall peered down at her over her spectacles. "In we go, and good luck this year Miss Rose."

"Thanks, I really need it," Elli was not prepared to be the center of attention this year. She never liked it anyway. They opened the doors as the students all turned to look who had come in.

"Elli!" She heard Hermione yell and wave her over. She smiled lightly at her and made her way over to her friends.

"Elli I can't believe you're the Phoenix!" Seamus said looking at her with wide eyes as she sat down in-between him and Harry.

"Yeah well, I got the broken arm to prove it," Elli placed her casted arm on the table with a clunk.

"And I still can't believe you just flew away without thinking!" Hermione scolded her from across the table.

"Sorry, mom," Elli gave a lopsided grin as she leaned her head on her good arm. "It's hard saving the world and having a brain."

"I think you were brilliant," George said from the other side of Hermione.

"That's because you fan-" Fred got cut off from an elbow to the gut, causing Elli to give the two boys a strange look.

"Whatever," Elli shook her head, looking at Harry. "Have I missed much yet?"

"No, but I think Dumbledore is about to start his speech," Harry spoke just as the chiming for McGonagall's glass quieted them down. 

Dumbledore walked up to his podium, smiling down at all his students. 

"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This Castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" Dumbledore's speech was interrupted by Filch running into the great hall and whispering something to Dumbledore. Elli had to contain her laughs as Filch ran back.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now