52. The one with the return of the Pink Lady

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Elli had spent the day with Poppy in the Hospital wing. The matron had fussed so much when Elli had walked in.

"I told Dumbledore the horrid people would do this!" Poppy had practically pushed Elli into a bed. Already starting to shuffle through the potions she had on hand. "How they could do that to such a sweet girl as yourself, it's beyond me. The nerve that they had. Here, eat this."

Elli hadn't even gotten a word in when a piece of chocolate was trusted into her hand. "T-Thanks Poppy. I just came down here because I wanted to see if you needed help before the students arrived."

"Don't worry about that," Poppy waved her off as she grabbed a bottle with a purple substance in it. "Drink this- Why haven't you eaten your chocolate yet?"

"Sorry," Elli took a nibble out of it before taking the potion and washing the chocolate back. "See, did it both at once."

"Now you sit there and relax," Poppy pointed a finger at her. "I mean it, Elli. You've been through far too much this summer. I should be keeping you in here for a week at minimum, but I realize you have classes you need to attend tomorrow."

"I'll stay put," Elli promised her. "Hey, Poppy? Did you... did you give them my pills?"

Poppy's face visibly dropped. "No. They came in when I was out on my holiday trip. I would have never given it to them, nor kept the leftover ones. If I had known I would have thrown them away before they could grab them."

"I believe you," Elli nodded her head.

Elli spent most of the day in that bed, talking to Poppy and once she allowed her to, helping her put new sheets on the bed and stock her storage.

She found herself back in her dormitory, the place she never wanted to leave at the end of last year.

There were more beds in here than there were in previous years, which was strange, but Elli didn't feel like asking about that right now.

Her hands shook as she tied her tie. She could see the carriages coming closer to them, everyone would be here soon.

She wanted to see her friends, to see George, of course. But everyone else? Dumbledore had just told her that Fudge wanted them to look at her as a sign to look to not act out. Everyone was going to look at her like she was insane, and maybe she was.

When she looked over in the mirror, she could see the guard from when she was younger, the one that had shown her kindness for the first time.

"I-I'm sorry," She chocked out.

Turning around to try and look at him, he was no longer there.

She was going crazy, and everyone was going to see right through that if she wasn't careful. She could not crumble, she could not show weakness. She had to hold her head up high, make sure the bruises on her arms were covered at all times, and act like she had before she was sent to Azkaban.

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