23. The one with Buckbeak

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Elli was eating breakfast with her friends before class. Harry was on her right with Ron in front of her, Hermione was in front of Harry. Dean and Seamus were sitting next to Ron as the twins were sitting next to Elli, and Ginny sitting next to Hermione. All in all, she was having a pretty good breakfast. That was until the owls came delivering the mail, and the newspaper...

Elli was searching the piles of letters she was given. She gave Spencer some food as she read over a letter Pepper had sent her, that included several complaints about her messy room. Elli was never the most tidiest of people, just ask her dormmates. But maybe she should have cleaned her room after her's and Emma's sleepover. The two girls loved to party.

"Wow, they are so cool!" Dean exclaimed as he held up the muggle paper his mother always sent him.

"Who?" Ron peer over his shoulder, then the same shocked expression grazed his face. "No way!"

"What?" Harry asked as they all turned to them in curiosity.

"The Avengers," Ron said. "Apparently they went on some mission in Egypt. I hope Bill saw them." 

Elli's foot started to tap up and down as she heard the news. Since the attack on New York, her parents had been sent on missions more and more, even some getting reports in the news. And that scared her, because she would rather be in the dark on those things, than have to read about one of her parents being killed in the evening news. Hermione could see Elli's attitude change as the girl gripped her letter tightly in her hand.

"Honestly, you guys should be more focused on your schedule," Hermione scolded them.

"How can you say that," Ginny said. "They're badass, and Thor is so hot." 

Elli started to choke on her pumpkin juice as Harry and Fred hit her back repeatedly.

"Ok," Elli said as Fred kept hitting her back. "You can stop now, I'm fine!" She said shoving his hand away.

"I know," He smirked. "It's just fun to hit you." 

She rolled her eyes.

"Wait, Elli, you don't think Thor is cute?" Ginny asked making Elli go wide-eyed. Ew just ew. But thankfully Ron leaned over to look at Ginny.

"Hey, you're too young to be thinking about boys." He scolded as the twins nodded in agreement. "But do you know who is really hot?" Ron lowered his voice as he leaned over to the boys. "The Phoenix." 

Elli groaned and slammed her head on the table. Great, that god awful name was catching on. After the attack, the news had labeled her The Phoenix. She didn't hate it, but she didn't like it. She wanted something more creative. Sure, she lit on fire, but she was more than that. 

"You ok Elli?" Harry looked down at her with concern.

"Peachy," She sat up, rubbing her forehead that surly had a red mark now. "Just not a fun conversation, that's all."

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