40. The one with dates

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"This is mad," Ron mumbled looking around the great hall, his eyes jumping from girl to girl. They were supposed to be doing study hall with the lovely Snape in charge. "At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."

Snape walked by shoving Ron's head back into his books. Elli smiled lightly across from her three friends. Harry and Ron always found something wrong with whoever Elli suggested they take. It was their fault they were still dateless at this point. 

"Well... us and Neville," Ron said trying to make him and Harry feel better.

"Yeah, but then again he can take himself," Harry chuckled with Ron. 

"Actually Neville's got a date," Elli smiled as she wrote her potions homework. She heard Ron groan.

"Now I'm really depressed," Elli rolled her eyes at Ron's over dramatics. Just then Fred slipped Ron a note. Ron read it then looked over to Fred to whisper once Snape was out of sight. "Who you going with then?"

Fred took the paper and crumpled it into a ball. He then threw it at Angelina Johnson.

"Oi Angelina," Fred kept his voice low as he tried to get her attention. And once she mouthed a 'what?' back he proceeded to mime out asking her to the ball. She smiled and nodded her head. Fred turned back to Ron and gave him a wink.

"Oi, Hermione you're a girl," Ron turned to look at her. 

Elli tried her best to give him a 'Code red' sign. She was shaking her head viscously at the boy. But he apparently didn't notice all the signs telling him to shut his trap. 

"Oh, well spotted," Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. Harry then saw Snape coming and tried to get Ron to stop.

"Come with one of us?" Ron tried to ask but then Snape came and hit him and Harry on the back of the head with books. Ron rubbed the back of his head as Snape walked away, still not noticing the grave he was digging for himself. "Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad." 

Elli gave up trying to save the boy and instead concentrated on writing her last sentence.

"I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone's asked me!" Hermione hissed getting up and handing Snape her homework. She then walked back over to get her stuff "And I said yes!" 

Hermione proceeded to walk out of the hall, looking furious. 

"Great going Ron," Elli stood up as she walked over to Snape, showing him that she completed her homework. It took him a second to flip through it before he gave a somewhat approving look. She walked back down the table, snatching her bag. "Now I have to deal with her yelling about how you're an idiot all night"

Elli ran out of the hall to try and catch up with Hermione. She didn't see her when she existed, so she had to think about where Hermione would go at a time like this. And that was an easy answer, the library. 

"Hermione!" Elli yelled as she finally spotted her, heading for the library as expected. "Wait up!"

Hermione stopped at the end of the hall, turning around as she waited for Elli to catch up with her. Her arms were crossed over her chest and still not looking to be in a very good mood. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you, it's just..." She took a deep breath. "That boy is so annoying!"

"Yes but we all knew that a while ago," Elli smiled as she adjusted her bag over her shoulder. "So who's the date?"

"Promise not to tell?" Hermione bit her lip nervously. 

"Hermione, secret is my middle name after all," Elli said. "Well, it's Rose. Thats not the point. Yes, I promise."

"Victor," Hermione mumbled looking at the floor with a slight blush.

"As in Krum?" Elli asked. Hermione nodded her head. "So Rita was right, you were going after the Bulgarian Bonbon."

"Oh shut it," Hermione narrowed her eyes, but she was smiling just a bit. "What about you and George?"

"He... kissed me," Elli told her.

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