78. The one with the thestrals

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Elli had been extremely happy to hear her favorite half giant had returned to the grounds of Hogwarts. Care for Magical Creature was never the same when he left, Elli missed the 'Dangerous ' creatures he would bring around. Sure, the unicorn Kettleburn showed them was cool. But not as cool as a fire crabs.

She had a smile set on her face as she, Hermione, and Emma walked down to his hut. "Hi Hagrid!"

"Hi ya Elli!" Hagrid's voice boomed with just as much excitement.

As Elli got closer, she noticed the newly added bruises to his face. "Get in a fight with Fang?"

"Somtin' like that, I'll tell ya later," Hagrid sent her a small smile. He cleared his voice before addressing the group of students "Alright you lot! Follow me!"

The group walked, following him into the dark forest to see an open clearing. It was the same one they went to when they met Buckbeak. They gathered around as Hagrid seemed to be looking for something.

"I hope this is another lesson like the one with Buckbeak," Elli told Emma.

"You mean the Hippogriff living in your attic?" Emma asked.

"Shhh!" Elli gave her a look. "Secret hippogriff."

"Right, sorry," Emma mumbled sheepishly.

"Okay, giv' 'em a minute," Hagrid placed two fingers in his mouth before letting out a loud whistle. "They like it when I call to 'em."

"Who's he talking about?" Emma asked.

"No clue..." Elli trailed off because a second after she said that, she did know what Hagrid was talking about. It was the dead horses like creatures that pulled the carriages every year. She'd always wanted to ask Hagrid what they were.

"Here they are," Hagrid told them dropping the dead cow he had been carrying around.

"Aw, I love these guys," Elli walked slowly forward a bit, not wanting to scare them.

"Love who?" Emma asked looking around confused.

"You can't see them?" Elli furrowed her brows, looking back over her shoulder at the girl

"No," Emma said.

"Okay, raise yer hand if you can see 'em," Hagrid instructed the class.

Elli raised her hand along with Harry, Neville, and Theodore Nott. Theodore was a tall slender boy in Slytherin.

"Knew you'd be able to see them," Hagrid gave Elli a sad look.

"What are we supposed to be looking at?" Draco looked annoyed to be here, as usual.

"Look at the bloody cow Malfoy," Elli told him as she watched one of the younger ones take a bite out of it. The majority of the class took a step back in shock.

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