18. The one with the power

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Elli was dragged through the halls as one of the guards pulled her along. Her feet touches the ground every so often as she tried to keep up. 

Her eyes felt heavy and she wanted to go back to her room, she didn't feel well and she just wanted to lie by her bucket and sleep on the floor. 

But what she wanted... well, they really didn't care about that.

The guard opened the door before roughly shoving Elli into the room as she tumbled down to the hard ground.

She liked the ground, it was cold. She welcomed the feeling of the cold right now. It was so lacking from her body at this point that she didn't even know if she would ever feel it again. 

"238!" The scientist snapped. "Up. Up!"

Elli took in a deep breath as she tried to push herself up, she was really trying her hardest to follow orders, but her arms crumbled beneath her and her chin slapped to the ground.

"238!" He was using that tone of voice that meant she would be getting punished very soon.

But right now, she didn't think there was a worse punishment than what she was feeling. 

Her arms shook violently as she pushed herself up. When she was fully standing, her eyes were hazy. She was seeing two of the scientists, and she swore the room was spinning.

He marched up to her, the heels of his shoes clicking against the ground as his hand struck her face, sending her back to the ground.

"We did not put this in you for you to be weak," He spat at her. "Stand up!"

Elli gasped as she tried to stand up. Pricks of pain filled her eyes, but she didn't dare let it slip or she would find herself on the ground again.

"What..." Elli's voice scratched out. "What did you do to me?"

"I just made you the best child soldier in the world," He looked so damn proud of himself. "So, 238, let's see if you can without the title. Or, if you are useless enough to throw away."


You know that feeling when you're sick and you're somehow both sweating and freezing at the same time? Well, thats exactly how Elli was feeling at the moment.

It was like going through a fever dream. Like that split moment between being awake and asleep, where you don't know what was going on around you.

It felt awful, that she would swear by.

But she had felt worse.

Her body was heating up far faster than she was okay with. It was reaching a warmth that terrified her to be at.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now