53. The one about the future

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Elli didn't remember just how hard she could laugh, until Ron told her he was a prefect the next morning.

"It's not that funny," Ron's face turned red.

"Y-yeah it is," Elli wiped the tear under her eyes. "Thanks, Ron... I need that."

Ron rolled his eyes as he filled his plate with eggs and bacon. 

Since they had arrived on a Saturday this year for the start of term, they got today to do whatever they wanted till classes started up tomorrow.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione had been very worried for Elli. 

"I'm feeling better today," Elli admitted. "I didn't get winded walking down the stairs, so thats a good sign."

"Are your powers really gone?" Harry asked. "Could they really do that to you?"

"They'll come back, but for now, I got to be careful about breaking anything or it will take me way longer to heal than it normally takes me," She rolled her eyes before taking a bite of her toast. "But that pink bitch is on my hit list for what she told me in Azkaban."

"What'd she do?" Ron asked.

"Told I was a danger to our society," Elli could still hear the words ringing in her ears. "And don't be surprised if she refers to me a Miss Black this year."

"Why'd she do that?" Hermione looked puzzled. "You've always gone by your middle name."

"Because, my adoption has been terminated," Elli watched as their eyes widened. "Fudge wants me as separated from my parents as possible. So now, Sirius has custody of me."

"He's afraid of your parents, isn't he?" Hermione had come to the same conclusion as Dumbledore. "Of what they might do to help... the Order."

"Yeah, but if the idiot used common sense, he'd realize they can't do anything," Elli shook her head. "Weaning out the obvious that Thor and Bruce aren't on Earth anymore, theirs no way the rest can do anything. Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Buck are in hiding. Clints on house arrest, and Tony can't do shit because he sighed the accords and they won't let him. And as much as I love Pepper, she can't scold Voldemort out of existence. He just wants to try and prove he has more power over me."

Ron scoffed. "If he thinks he has more power over you, then he's really lost his marbles."

Elli hummed in agreement.

The owls hooted over their heads as Elli watched Spencer land next to her, holding a letter in her beak.

"Hi, girl," Elli brushed her fingers against the owl's brown feathers. "I missed you."

The owl flapped his wings as he hopped forward. 

Elli picked up some food as she gave it for her to eat. Taking the letter out of her beak before unfolding it.

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