34. The one with a vision

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Elli flew through the skyline of New York, passing by serval buildings on her way home. A very long ride home, flying over a hurricane in the middle of the ocean was not a fun or smart decision, but she never should have left in the first place. 

She landed on the balcony as her body fizzled out. Walking forward, the glass doors automatically opened up. 

It was oddly quiet in here, which was strange with the amount of people living here and their current situation. 

Walking through the living room, she spotted Clint staring up through the glass ceiling where the lab sat above of them. 

"Hey, Cli-" She was cut off when he put his figure to his lips signaling to be quiet. 

Clint reached for the gun in his side holster. Taking it out and cocking it back, he pointed directly up in front of him. Then, he took his shoot.

The glass shattered as Elli placed an arm over her head to block the incoming fall. A boy, with very blonde hair and navy blue crashed down in front of them. 

"What you didn't see that coming?" Clint smirked. 

"What the bloody hell did I miss?" Elli gasped in shock. 

"Elli!" Bruce's eyes widened as he looked down at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, these Death Eaters came and ruined the after party at the cup," Elli threw a hand up in the air. "And then our good pal Ultron decided to join in on the fun of it all."

"Are you alright?" Clint looked away from the new kid as his head snaped over to her.

"Yep," A crash sounded above which cause Elli to jump. "Wh-what is going on?!"

She quickly booked it towards the stairs. Taking them two at a time as it wrapped around a bit. When she got to the top, she was even more confused about what was happening. 

 Bruce's arm was wrapped around the girl who tried to use mind control on them. He had a tight hold on her neck, and there was a bit of fury in his eyes. 

Then there was Tony and Steve, fighting each other around the room.  

"Stop! What do you think you're doing?!" Elli cried out to her parents.

"Elli this is not your fight!" Tony charged towards Steve, half his Iron Man suit on. 

"Well, it kinda is if my parents are acting like idiots!" She yelled as Clint appeared beside her.

Thunder erupted outside flashing before their faces. 

Thor had arrived to the party, and he seemed to be on a mission that did not involve stopping these current fights. 

It was then that Elli noticed there was a strange coffin like object in the middle of the lab, hocking up to many different wires.

Thor headed right towards it, jumping onto of the device. He lifted his hammer high up in the air as more lighting came charging into the room and through him.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now